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With Sherdana’s economic troubles easing thanks to an influx of technology businesses, Christian had decided to focus more of his attention on investing close to home. This would mean less travel and more time spent with Noelle and Marc. It was important as a new husband and father to put his family first.

Drumming his thumbs against the steering wheel, Christian willed the cars in front of him to move. His impatience wasn’t just about the traffic. He was eager to see Noelle again. Having to postpone telling Marc this morning had been disappointing, but sharing their news with his family was the next best thing.

When Christian arrived in the family’s private living room, Noelle was already there with his parents, Nic, Brooke and Ariana. Standing at ease beside his sister, Noelle looked stunning in a richly embroidered pale pink coat over a simple ivory dress. Before making his way to Noelle’s side, Christian swung by to greet his parents.

“You’re late,” the king scolded.

“Traffic,” Christian explained. “Besides, Gabriel and Olivia aren’t here yet.”

The queen offered her cheek for his kiss. “You’d better have good news for us.”

“The best.” He smiled his most confident grin.

Obligations satisfied, he headed toward Noelle. As he took his place beside her, Gabriel and Olivia rushed hand-in-hand into the room. Their exuberant smiles drew everyone’s attention. Christian experienced an uncomfortable stab of envy at the strength of their connection. They were surrounded by family and yet so in tune with each other. Would he and Noelle ever get to a point where they enjoyed that sort of intimacy?

“We have wonderful news,” Gabriel began, his unrestrained delight making him seem far younger than thirty. “We are going to be parents.”

For a moment the room was deathly quiet as Christian’s family absorbed this impossible announcement. Olivia had undergone a hysterectomy four months earlier, rendering her incapable of having children.

The queen was the first to recover her voice. “How?”

“My eggs were viable for a month after my operations. The doctors were able to harvest several. We found a surrogate and just came from her first doctor’s appointment. Everything looks good.” Olivia turned a radiant smile on Gabriel.

He bent his head and gave her a quick kiss. Then he glanced around the room. “And we’re having twins.”

Ariana ran to Olivia and threw her arms around her sister-in-law. Nic and Brooke stepped up next. While a part of Christian was thrilled for his older brother, most of him was numb. He glanced at Noelle to gauge her reaction. She watched the happy couple through eyes that shone brightly with tears. Christian felt his throat lock up and could only stare, mind blank, as his parents stepped up for their turn to congratulate their son and daughter-in-law.

Noelle poked him in the ribs and whispered, “Go congratulate them. This is amazing news.”

“What about our news?” He sounded like a grumpy old man. “It’s pretty amazing, too.”

“This is their moment. I don’t want to ruin it.” She placed the flat of her hand against his back and gave him a shove. While she didn’t have the strength to move him, her recommendation was clear.

Was there some other reason why she didn’t want to announce their engagement? Was she thinking of backing out now that Gabriel and Olivia had figured out a way to supply an heir for the throne?

Christian pushed aside concern and caught Noelle’s hand in his. Together they joined the circle of well-wishers.

“You seem to have a knack for producing twins,” Christian told his brother, smiling despite his heavy heart.

“At least these two won’t be identical,” Gabriel replied.

Several members of the staff brought the champagne that Christian had made sure was on ice to toast his engagement, and everyone except Brooke—who was pregnant—enjoyed a glass. No one seemed to recall that Christian had organized the family meeting or wonder what his announcement might have been.

The frustration he’d begun feeling the instant Noelle suggested they put off sharing the news of their engagement began to grow. He’d put all his energy into convincing Noelle that they belonged together as a family and now his brother had to come along at the absolute moment that Christian was the happiest he’d ever been and spoil everything.

Thirty minutes into the celebration, he pulled her aside. “I really think we should announce our engagement.”

Noelle glanced at Gabriel and Olivia. “Now isn’t a good time. And I need to get back to my shop.”
