Page 24 of Fearless

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“Always curious about you.” I hip checked her.

“So, your mom…she was a druggie?”

“Still is, actually.”

“You weren’t raised by her?”

“I was, sort of. She got clean right after I was born. Raised me best she could being on her own.”


“Never could shake it. He’s…in prison right now. Not getting out in this lifetime. But that’s something for another date.”


“Yeah, you buy a guy an Icee, it’s totally a date.”



“Where’s your mom now?”

“Last time I saw…on the corner of First and Main.”


“Depends on if she is turning a trick or not. But in the sense of it, yeah. She doesn’t have a place to call home. It changes each night, several times a night I’m sure.” I swallowed a bunch of ice to curb the heat rising. It wasn’t from the weather but more embarrassment and frustration with a touch of anger, too.

“Shit, Drey. I had no idea.”

“No one does. I’d like to keep it that way if that’s okay.”

She followed my lead around the last corner to the store. She might be joining me after all. I didn’t mind. It got lonely on these night shifts, and hopefully it would give us time to talk more.

“Why’d you tell me?” she asked.

“Shouldn’t I have?”

“No, I’m glad you did. Just curious why. You don’t even know me.”

“Got a feeling about you. Told you that.”

“What if it’s not the right feeling, though? You could be way off and I’m actually nothing like you think I am.”

“You didn’t think I was a crack baby raised by a woman who whored her body for money and drugs, did you? You think less of me now?”

“No. Not even.”

“Then I’m not wrong about you.” I nudged her with my elbow. “I think I’m right on target with you.”

“Trust me, you’re not. But thank you. I mean, for telling me your…shit. And no. I don’t think any less of you. Actually, I have even more respect for you.”

Wow. My chest couldn’t have swelled much more at that profession of respect.Sherespected me?I’ll take it.

I snaked hold of her pinky finger with my forefinger and waggled our hands, hoping she wouldn’t pull away. “I trust you with it.”

“I’m a good secret keeper.” She wiggled our joined hands. “So, you gonna put me to work if I come hang at the store?”
