Page 29 of Fearless

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“I’ve always wanted something like this. For as long as I can remember. But it doesn’t exist, Drey. Not for me. Never for me.”

“It can.” I turned my face into her neck. “It can if you let it.”

“Too dangerous.”

That comment threw me for a loop. “I don’t scare too easily.”

If she only knew the shit I’d faced. And it wasn’t exactly safe for me to get involved with anyone either. But I was done running. Done fronting.

Sarah was who I wanted, and I would have her. No matter what her secrets were.

Chapter Twelve


“Andwhat’syourcostume,sexy?” a guy asked me as I passed by with a tray full of shots for a table next to his.

“Mrs. Smith. And she’ll kick your ass if you touch her, so don’t even think about it.”

He retracted his hand, but a mischievous grin crooked his mouth. Yeah, I’d have to keep my eye on him for sure.

I made it to my table and passed out the drinks. “Mrs. Smith. Sweet.” One of the girls said. “That’s kick-ass.”

“Brad was hot in that movie. He can kick my ass any time.”

“As long as it lands him in my bed.”

My stomach clenched at the flippant way these guys were talking violence and bedtime. If they only knew how closely related those two things could be. Had been in my previous life. “Who’s your Smith?”

I scoured the floor for Drey, silently cursing him for suggesting matching costumes for this Halloween shift. But secretly loving it. He was proving very honorable, and he was making it so difficult to stay away.

“Him.” I pointed at the bar where he stood watching—me of course—as a fill-in Cooler for Hunter.

“Hell yeah. He your guy?”

“No.” I picked up their empty beer bottles. “Wave me down when you’re ready for another round.”

“Wait. Wait. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, but he’s not your guy?”

“Just a friend.” I spun around and into a guy standing way too close.

“Oh yeah?” He was about my height, maybe an inch or two taller, but his eyes…they were dead. Hollow blue with a vacant splash of brown in the left eye. “I’m thinking it’s more than that.”

“Think what you want. Excuse me.” I stepped to the side, but he mirrored my action.

“I’ve been witness to your little dance for a few weeks now.”

The creep factor crawled over my skin with its fiery claws. This guy had been spying on me? And Drey? I threw on my most seductive smile and said, “That’s what I do. I dance for a bit, then lose interest. You looking to play?”

“Hmmm. Tempting.” He ogled my body. I was wearing a tan tank top and pants like the movie scene in the desert where Brad and Angelina were trying to blow up the same target.

But at this moment, I felt naked.

And that kicked my self-preservation into high gear. “Is that your thing? Watching?”

He stepped to the side. “See you around.”

With that said he walked off.
