Page 56 of Fearless

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I hugged my jacket closer to me and shivered through the cold seeping in from the front door. It was still dark outside, except the snow flying around, but the sun should rise in a couple of hours. Hopefully that’d brighten things up. And hopefully Hunter would be here with Angelina before then. My thigh needed some attention.

Maybe I should have called Bill.

No. Angelina knew about the kind of shit Sarah was struggling with; she’d help.

Dim headlights cut through the blowing snow, and I pushed to my feet. That had to be them. I’d seen only one car since I’d gotten down here, and it slid along the street pretty slowly. But Hunter’s huge SUV could handle this crap.

I opened the door and stepped out, the snow biting at my skin like little pinpricks. Yep, that was Hunter’s black SUV. I hustled to the car best I could and pulled open the back passenger side door.

Ahhh, warmth.

“Dude,” Hunter said.

“Is Sarah okay?” Angelina asked.

“Physically, yes. She’s doing better than I am, that’s for sure.”

“What do you mean? What happened?”

“She stabbed me,” I said, staring at Hunter.

“What?” Angelina screeched. “You said…night terror.”

“It was.” I lifted my hand from my leg. “She just happened to have a knife close by.”

“Holy shit, Drey. You’re bleeding all over the place.”

“No. It’s not bleeding anymore. This is dried. But I need some stuff, man. No doctors, though. Too many questions. I won’t have Sarah implicated in this.”

Angelina let out a long breath.

“You okay to try to talk to her?” I asked her.

“I’ll try. Can’t guarantee she’ll be willing, though.” She went to push open her door, but closed her eyes. Hunter reached for his handle, but she said, “I’m okay. I got this.”

Hunter watched her with a critical eye for a few seconds, then nodded. It was like they had their own secret mental connection or something the way they looked at each other. Read each other. Hell, they even moved in tandem.

“I’ll text you if it’s okay to leave.” She pushed the door open and jumped down. “If you don’t hear from me in five minutes, come up. Drey. Come sit here. More room. You need to warm up.”

After a few minutes of awkward moving around, I got settled in the front passenger seat, and she was right. The seat was warm, and I rested against the plush leather.

“What the hell happened?” Hunter asked as he watched Angelina walk up the stairs. “Is my Lina safe?”

“Yeah. Sarah’s fine. But…well, she had some kind of wicked night terror. Named someone, though. Nicco. I didn’t get a last name. But, hell, man, it sounded like she was…trapped in an abusive relationship maybe?”

“Something like that.” Hunter held up his phone. “Three and a half minutes, Lina. Then I’m coming to get you.”

“She’ll be fine. I couldn’t leave Sarah, Hunter. She was so scared.”

“You did the right thing. Your leg okay? Shit man, is it deep?”

“Not as deep as yours at the club last winter. That night when Bill cut you loose until you got therapy?” I chuckled at the memory. How could I find that funny right now? Maybe I’d lost more blood than I thought.

Hunter flinched and checked his phone. “Okay. We’re good.” He typed something, then cranked the wheel. “Start talking.”

I went into the whole story as he crept his way through the stormy, snow-packed streets to his place. “I should have left. I…got so comfortable.”

“I know how you feel, man. Nothing like a woman’s bed or arms.”
