Page 97 of Fearless

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ThebagsslidfromSarah’s hands, crashing to the floor. I didn’t move, though, I had to drink in the sight of her first.

She was decked out in a long black coat with a hood, and she had a black scarf wrapped around her neck, and she was wearing thick red mittens. On top of all that, she had a massive backpack hanging on her back.

I could barely see her, yet I’d never seen her more clearly.

Those eyes of hers were always her tell-all. First surprise, then contentment swarmed through them, but now they were filled with fear.

I hated seeing that fear in her eyes.

She peered over her shoulder for a few beats, then slammed the door shut and locked it. She kicked her dropped bags to the side and said, “No. No. No. This isn’t. You can’t. Drey.” She launched herself at me, and I immediately stood, my arms open for her. “Drey!”

Always so careful and guarded, every defense crumbled. Melted before my eyes. I pushed her hood back and uncurled the scarf so I could see her better.

Dang it, she looked tired, and thinner. Dark bags lined her eyes, her hair was dull—and red.

“You…can’t be here,” she whispered. “You can’t…” Tears streamed down her pale cheeks. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

I held my Sarah in silence for a long time, and there was nothing else but us. No Nicco, no Walker, no death, and no pain. Our world was crumbling around us, but it didn’t seem so bleak at the moment. With Sarah in my arms, I had hope that Damon would pull through. That Mom was finally and eternally clean—no longer suffering. That Sarah and I could face anything and win.

If I could hold her like this forever…I’d be happy.

I analyzed her face. “Are you okay?”

Tears cascaded down her smooth skin.

“You left me.” Anger tightened my throat—and fear.

I pulled off her left mitten, the breath leaving my chest when I saw the ring still on her finger. When I hadn’t found it in her apartment, I was worried someone had stolen it.

I tapped the ring. “That’s not how things work when you’re wearing one of these. You no longer get to up and leave.”

“Yeah, but—”

I silenced her with a kiss. “That’s one.” I eased onto the bed, cradling her in my lap. “Remember our deal?”

She offered me a weak grin. The sadness tainting her features ripped my soul to shreds. My girl didn’t wear sad well. At all.

“I know you’re new to the relationship thing. Being engaged. It’s okay. But leaving…no. That’s not allowed.”


“Let me finish.” I kissed her nose. “Yeah, we haven’t said the vows so it’s not official-official, but Sarah, when you accepted that ring, you accepted me as the person you’re going to marry. By wearing that ring, it shows the world you belong to me. That you trust your heart to me. But you left. That doesn’t show trust, Sarah.”

She held her breath, not quite looking me in the eye, but her arms were still around me and her mouth mere inches from mine. I wanted nothing more than to devour her lips, but I had to set a few rules here. Tell her how it was going to be.

“Can I talk now?”

I nodded.

“Nicco would kill you if he knew we were married—er—about to be married.”

“He’d kill me regardless, because I wouldn’t let him touch you, married or not.”

“Drey!” She closed her eyes. “You can’t get hurt because of me. You—I—the only way to keep you safe…your family safe…I had to leave. No, I have to leave.”

“You’re my family. It’s my job to take care of you now.”
