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Then you’ll LOVE Damaged Professor

A one-night stand with a hot billionaire…thrilling.

Realizing he’s my new professor…disastrous.

My heart was left for dead when my fiancé was killed.

But during a toe-curling one-night stand…

Under the chiseled abs of a silver fox…

Icameback to life.

Until I walked into my first college class…

Full stop.

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

My one-night stand was right there behind the podium.

BOOM. I could hear my heart plummeting again.

When a bitter student attempts to blackmail us… I fold.

This damaged billionaire's reputation must stay clean.

Sure, he’s a famous author and money runs deep in his blood.

But teaching is his fire and tenure could be on the line.

But this stallion of a professor has claimed me.

And he won’t take no for an answer.

Despite the risks of getting caught…

Despite the risks of broken hearts…

I will be his.

Start reading Damaged Professor NOW!

Sneak Peek - Chapter One


Start reading Damaged Professor NOW!

The Howling Monkey is one of those bars that looks like it’s been sitting around the city forever. Mostly because it has. This entire stretch of the city has nothing but historical buildings, made with old, red brick and dark wood. It’s the kind of thing that’s always made me feel at home here.

The music though—that’s another story.

But today isn’t really for me.

Today is for Nichole.
