Page 131 of The Rook

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Amelia frowned. "What?"

"His call sign is Rook," Gabe stated matter-of-factly.

Amelia's gaze met mine. Her eyes were intelligent, curious, with a slight hint of mischief. "Rook. Fair enough."

Nissa kept her gaze fixed straight ahead.

Amelia continued. “When we raided Montgomery manor, Montgomery and Igno scattered like the roaches they are. They headed to Igno’s compound in Greece. Montgomery has reached out to Nissa to bring him the ledger. Nissa and Rook will go in with the appearance of being alone. Our teams will go dark. We won't be sending a battalion. Interpol only wants Montgomery at this point."

"You can have Montgomery. All we want is Igno,” Gabe said through gritted teeth.

"Of course, you do. The only person that would be able to tell if the ledger is a forgery is Igno. But Montgomery’s not likely to be with Igno when Nissa hands it over. So we've got our counterfeit team working on making a copy now."

Gabe crossed his arms. "I don't like it."

"It's the best weapon we have. We are open to hearing some other solution if you have it. We certainly can't give them the real one. Not to mention we're having the pages tagged."

I grinned. "You're using isotopes?"

Amelia blinked in surprise. "Oh, you're aware of the process?"

I nodded. "Yeah. It's the latest in tracking software. Those isotopes can enter your skin and can track anyone anywhere. Whoever touches those pages won't be able to hide."


This time, I could feel Nissa's gaze on me. Intent. Curious.

Fuck. I missed her. And that was the problem with Nissa being on the team. I was already distracted, and Gabe would have my head if anything went wrong.

Gabe laughed. "You'll forgive me if I don't trust Interpol, right?" He shook his head. “We'll take care of the logistics. Your team is just here as backup. And I will have my own backup, you know, just in case Interpol doesn't want to play fair. Our deal is you'll get Montgomery, and we’ll get Igno. We have no interest in anything else."

"If you think you can get Igno, by all means, go for it."

Gabe chuckled low. "We can get Montgomery too. Don't fuck it up, or we will take him."

Nyla cleared her throat. "Easy does it. We're on the same team here."

Gabe eyed her up and down, and there was an electric charge in the air which made me terribly uncomfortable as I realized he was sizing her up. She gave as good as she got with what could only be described as a flirtatious smile. And then she very deliberately ran her hands through her hair, showing the enormous diamond on her left hand. Gabe shrugged then and turned his attention back to Amelia.

Nissa crossed her arms. "So, Rook and I are going to be locked in the house until my father arrives, making sure the coast is clear, right?" My call sign sounded an epithet on her tongue.

Amelia nodded. "You father will want to verify his own safety, so he’ll be cautious. It'll be just overnight. But after everything that happened with Igno, he likely won't be taking any chances."

“I don’t want to see him again.”

Nyla watched her carefully. "He's your father and Rook's godfather. Likely, he has some things he needs to say to the two of you."

“If he suspects a fake, he'll shoot first and ask questions later,” I said. “We don't want to take chances."

"You're going to be armed with what you'll need,” Nyla said. “He'll have metal detectors in place, so we're going with some different options for weapons, and 3D printers are making them now."

Gabe's brows lifted. "Oh, you've got the budget all of a sudden."

Amelia shrugged. "We need to catch Montgomery."

Gabe tipped his chair back, and I almost wished it would fall over, just to watch him scramble back up. "Why do you have such a hard-on for him?"

"Guns, trafficking, drugs, you name it,” Amelia said. “Why wouldn't you want him?"
