Page 17 of The Rook

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He is never ever, ever going to let you go.

I shook my head slightly to clear it and focused on Jamila. "No, of course, I'm not mad. Why would I be? You and Adam are great together, and this is a real opportunity for you guys to live happily ever after. I will be okay."

"I know you will."

"It's okay. Don't worry about it. And if I'm being honest, I sort of expected this eventually, you know. You guys are so cute and in love."

"I know. I just don't want you to be alone."

"I'm not alone. You see the new bodyguard I have. He'll make sure I'm very much not alone.”

Jamila snorted a laugh. “Oh, I bet he will. Your chemistry is crazy.”

My gut cramped at that. There had been a time in my life when I would have killed for someone to notice chemistry with me and Westin. Not anymore though.

"Your dad is so weird. Who does he think is going to kidnap you? I mean, he's just like a basic business guy. Property management or something, right?"

"Yes, but you know how it is. Rich people think they're so important."

"Good point. And let's face it, the more money he has the more crazy people will do things like go through you to get access to him and his wallet. Maybe someone found out that you're a student here? Could be a good thing that he’s sent someone to keep you safe.”

“That's just the thing, though. I'm not safe from Westin.”

Her brows furrowed as she flopped back on my bed. “What is it with you two anyway? This is more than you not wanting a bodyguard. This is something else.”

I wondered how much to tell her without endangering her. “Let's just say that this is not my first rodeo needing a bodyguard. And not my first rodeo with Westin.”

“Ooh! I love a good second-chance romance opportunity.” She grabbed my pillow and hugged it to her tight. “I give you guys two weeks before you're banging. Oh my God, this is the best day ever. This is wicked."

"Mate, it's not going to be as fun as you think it is. And we are not going to bang. If I have my way, I'll get someone else assigned to me."

"He's well fit. What's wrong with him?"

"Besides abandoning me, I'm sure he's fine at his job. But he walked away and left me four years ago."

She winced. "But maybe he had a good reason. Have you spoken to him since?"

"No, I haven’t.”

“So you don't know where he went. He could have had a good reason.”

“Whatever it is, I don't want to know. When he left, he broke me. I was completely alone with no one who understood me. He doesn't get to just walk back into my life. Not to mention, my father has a hold on him and something very bad would happen if he ever found out we hooked up.”

“It's not like you're going to tell him.”

“You don't know my father. He has a way of finding things out.”

She sat up in the bed. “Well, I don't want to think about you hiding out in your room just to avoid him. Come out tonight. And before you tell me you have to study, I know for a fact you don't have an exam until next week. Besides, this way you get to torture your bodyguard. Imagine him having to tell dear old dad that you took someone home.”

I started to laugh. “But I never bring anyone home.”

“He doesn’t need to know that.”


I should've expected to hear from Saff. Honestly, Gabe was the hammer and Saff was the soft touch.

"She's cute."
