Page 16 of The Rook

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He laughed. "I'm not going anywhere, Beauty. You and I, we're about to become bosom buddies."

"I don't want to become your bosom buddy. I want you gone."

He pushed away from the stove, putting a perfectly made omelet onto Jamila's plate. "Sorry, love, take that up with your father. Right now, I’m making brunch for your mate."

"You can't just take over my life. You don't know me anymore."

Jamila piped up, taking her plate with her. “I’ll just leave you two alone.”

I stopped her. “Don’t you dare leave me with this Neanderthal.”

Westin smirked at me. “Name calling, Nissa? You know how this goes. Neither one of us has a choice right now.”

I did know how it went. But this time I refused to lie down and just take it. I wasn’t letting Westin St. James back in my life or my heart.

“I love you. I’ll be back later.” Jamila already had her jumper on and was halfway out the door… still holding her plate.

“Jamila!” I called. But she was gone.

“Looks like it's just you and me.”

“You can't just walk into my life like you know anything about me.” I frowned as I took in the suitcases by the guest room. When dawning set in, I started laughing and shook my head. “No way in hell are you moving in here.” It was one thing to have a bodyguard, but a live-in one? Hell no.

“Not much you can do about it except get on board.”

“You don't know me at all do you?”

"Don't I? I know everything there is to know about you."

"No, you don't,” I huffed. “You only think you do. I’m a different person than I was four years ago. You are arrogant and self-important. Which is disappointing, because if you had any sort of brain, you would have used it and stayed the hell away. This isn't going to work out."

He laughed. "I don't know what to tell you, but you're stuck with me. And did you ever stop for one moment to think that I came back for you?"

"Do you even believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth? If you think I'm the same naive girl I was when you left me here, you have another think coming."

He shrugged. "Game on, then."



An hour later, Westin was busy moving his things into the guest room. I was busy sulking in my room. I called my father three times but got no response. This was happening. I was stuck with him. Why would my father do this to me?

It had to be punishment of some sort. He could have given me anyone else on staff. But instead, he gave me Westin. He knew how devastated I'd been when he left without a trace. Westin St. James was nothing more than a punishment.

And I could choose to endure it, or I could choose to fight back.

There was a knock at my door, and I braced myself for battle again. But instead of Westin, it was Jamila. “I'm back. Before we even got to talk about everything you and Westin were going toe to toe.”

“I heard about you moving in with Adam.”

She threw up her hands. “How did you even know?”

I didn't want to scare her. One of us worried was enough. “I saw some paperwork lying around. I figured you'd tell me when you were ready.”

"So, you're not mad about this?" she asked chewing her bottom lip.

What I was mad about was my father's manipulation.

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