Page 4 of The Rook

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Except this time there was going to be a snag in the plan. I was going to go missing midway through.

I just hoped none of my teammates got in the way. Our team consisted of myself, Lachlan King, code name: The King; Jasper Saint, code name: The Saint; Kaya Reynolds, code name: The Dove; and Saffron Abbott, code name: The Heir.

Kaya, our latest recruit, and Antonio Igno’s illegitimate daughter, was on comms. She was in less danger there. King and Saint would be on the other side of the building, too late to actually get involved and do anything. But Saff would absolutely try to engage with whoever came for me. She had trained all of us and was one of the best hand-to-hand combat specialists I'd seen since being in Rogues. She also had a hell of a way with weapons, but when Saff came for you, she preferred to use her bare hands. And in this case, I worried it would get her killed.

Gabe had thought it best that none of the team know what was going to go down so it felt really authentic. After all, when the mission was reviewed by Oversight, it needed to look on the up-and-up.

I didn’t know all the details of Oversight. I just knew that Rogues, and Gabe specifically, were not autonomous. When things went wrong, we answered to somebody.

And this time, Gabe wanted a win before Oversight interfered. The last time they had tried to assert themselves, one of our operatives had almost died. I still shuddered when I thought how close Kaya had been to danger.

Over the comms, I heard Lock's voice. "All right, Rook, go to position two. Dove, confirm comms."

I made my move toward position two, keeping myself low, disarming my weapons as I went. Unfortunately for my team, I would not be an asset on this mission. And I'd be damned if I gave Montgomery any of our tech.

Kaya’s voice came over the line, and I smiled. "I hear you loud and clear, King. Heir, comms check?"

Saffron's voice was low since she was at the bar watching her target. "Roger, loud and clear."

"All right, Heir, you're on."

"Perfect. Now, sweetheart," Saffron added, "I don't want you to come over and break his nose, but I do want you to get a little jealous."

I laughed under my breath when Saint said, "King, don't break anything."

All I heard on the line was Lock's chuckle and the background noise from the bar. "Dove, can you reduce the noise for me?"

Kaya didn't respond.

Saint tried again. "Dove, do you copy?"

All we got back was static.

Shit. Montgomery's team was here.

I moved as far away from my team as possible. If they saw what was happening… The blood rushed through my veins, and my stomach twisted. I tossed my two weapons to the side, knowing my team would find them and take them back.

Saint tried his comm again. "Dove, do you—"

"Copy," she answered. "I just… interference."

Saff's voice came over the line again. "Copy… position…"

Kaya's voice was back. "Interference… jamming… fix…"

I kept my comms in for as long as I could, but when Montgomery’s team came for me, I would ditch them. Rogues would be able to track me with them, and for now, we didn’t want that. I needed in with Montgomery first.

Saint's voice came back. "Team A, come in. Switch channels. Do you copy? Switch channels."

When Kaya's voice was back, she was loud and clear. "I got it. One of our antennae looks frayed."

If I was going to do this, I'd better do it well and keep my team safe.

Saint sounded perplexed. "What do you mean, frayed?"

"I got out of the van and climbed on top of it to check."

"You did what?" Saint's voice was all growl.
