Page 3 of The Rook

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He shrugged. “I’ll send you back involuntarily.”

“So one way or another, I’m going in?”

Gabe sighed. “It’s better if it’s your choice. And we both know that if Nissa Montgomery is in trouble, you’re going to go get her.”

I hated that he knew me so well, but he had almost psychic powers. Nissa Montgomery was essentially the only reason I would return to hell.

Unfortunately, I was certain that after the way I’d left she hated me.


A few weeks later, the biting chill of the wind sliced through my tactical gear. Everything would change in less than twenty minutes.

The only visual the sliver of moonlight offered was my puff of breath in the night air.

Sweat beating on my forehead, heart hammering against my ribs, I knew I had the training to survive this. But knowing you knew how to survive and believing in your actual survival were two different things. I forced a deep breath and tried to find my focus.

In less than twenty minutes, life as I knew it would be over.

I was going back into the fray, to the place I promised myself I would never return.

Well, promises were made to be broken.

Not this kind of promise.

I wasn't sure which was worse, that I was going in for an indeterminate amount of time, that I was going at all, or the way I was going to have to do it.

My team was going to worry.

Stop talking as if you're not coming back. You're coming back.

The plan was simple. Or at least it had seemed simple when Gabe sat me down and told me what was going to happen.

It was like a scene from that movie, Taken. ‘You're going to be taken.’ As if that was some shit I would take lying down.

But you have to take it lying down. The mission is to get in and not kill Julian Montgomery on sight.

Julian Montgomery, my godfather and all-around psychopath, was supposedly in league with the number-one arsehole on our Rogues most-wanted list.

Honestly, the news didn't surprise me at all. The only thing that surprised me was that he hadn't been in league with Antonio Igno before. Igno was a drug runner, arms dealer, human trafficker, and terrorist, and the Rogues had been trying to take him off the board for nearly a decade.

During the past year, we’d come close several times. But each time he just squeaked out of our grasp.

But not this time. This time you're going to get him.

Four years ago, I'd escaped out of my godfather's grasp. It hadn't been easy, and I’d had to leave everything I cared about behind. But I'd done it. Made a clean break. And now I was going back.

Gabe had leaked information about my location. We knew Julian was looking for me, even though I'd made it look like I'd fallen off the face of the earth. And if you asked the right people, they would have told you I was dead. But the old man knew what kind of skills I had. He was stubborn and didn't like to lose, so he’d kept looking.

But his obsession was going to come back and bite him in the arse. Over the course of the last month, we'd been building a profile that made it look as though I’d fallen in with criminals. Since the Rogues division was so clandestine, only the highest levels of government knew how we operated. Since some of our activities couldn't be broadcasted, we often had to mask them as something else.

During the last few missions I'd been sent out on, we made it appear as if our fake criminal syndicate, the Tique Collective, had stolen weapons. We'd even gone so far as to leak a partial of my face. We figured sooner or later one of his little spies was going to find me.

Once I was in, I was to get as close to Montgomery as I could. Find out what his business with Igno was. Once we had them both in the same location, we’d snatch them both up.

It all seemed so simple, except the one snag I hadn't told Gabe about. But with any luck, I wouldn't have to involve her. With any luck, I wouldn't even see her again.

Tonight's actual mission was simple. Retrieve Niall Marks and then follow the intel to the Keely Cartel. Then my teammates would apply pressure on Marks and infiltrate the cartel. Nothing we hadn't done dozens of times.
