Page 72 of The Rook

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Maybe if you taste her just the one time, this will stop. The constant burning need will end.

That was a lie. That was the devil on my shoulder trying to get me to give in. And I was not going to do that.

She whirled on me and jabbed me on the shoulder. "What is your problem? Damn it Westin, you’re driving me mad."

"Have you ever stopped to consider that maybe I bother you so much because you like me?"

"Leave it to a man to assume that when a woman is legitimately asking him to go away it’s because she's overcome with feelings for him." Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

"So you're telling me you're not overcome with feelings for me?"

"Oh my God, I swear, I may be stuck with you as my bodyguard, but we’re not mates."

"I'm hard to get rid of. I already told you that." I knew I shouldn't push her. This was a delicate situation, and Rogues needed her. But still, I took her elbow again and pulled her close to me. "I don’t need us to be mates. I just need you to do what I tell you."

"Oh my God. You arrogant, mule-headed, persistent, jackass."

I was watching her lips as she spoke, the tip of her tongue peeking out as she insulted me. I leaned in, inhaling her scent, begging it to drive me mad slowly. "In your whole tirade just now, not once did you say I wasn't right." Then I released her. "Start walking. Otherwise, I'm going to find all kinds of ways to ask you exactly where you were hiding in the library and who you were hiding with."



The contact name Amelia had given me had been burning a hole in my pocket all week, so there was no avoiding that. I needed to go and see if there were any leads on my sister. And in all honesty, it was nice not to have to do a task like that without someone there. But goddamn if I was going to tell him what I was doing.

After classes, he started to turn toward the library on the main street, but I shook my head and angled it toward the Tube. "I have an errand to run."

His brows dropped down. "I don't have an itinerary for this."

"It's just a quick errand. It won't take long."

"On the Tube?"

"On the Tube."

"We should drive instead."

I sighed in frustration. "Where we're going, we'll just be advertising that the car is great for parts. Before you even park it, it'll be stripped."

"That doesn't fill me with confidence about where the hell you're going."

"It'll be fast. Besides, aren't you my human shield?"

His aquamarine eyes narrowed on me, and I could feel the piercing heat of them straight through to my core, making me pulse all over. But like hell I was going to tell him that. I just cleared my throat and started walking. He didn’t have much choice but to follow me.

"What's the problem? Where I go is where you go, right?"

"I like having advance notice. That way I can get a secondary guard if we need to."

"This isn't some dangerous place. I'm not walking into a brawl or anything."


What I had miscalculated was just how close Westin would stay to me. Too close. Like, boyfriend close. He didn't touch me, but he was close enough that I could feel the heat of his body and his breath along my ear on occasion. And each time it sent a shiver through me.

When we switched trains, the crowd was packed and thick, and for a moment I thought I’d lost him. And that immediate loss of his heat sent a wave of panic over me. Shit. Where was he?

Shouldn't you be grateful that he's not plastered against you?

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