Page 90 of The Rook

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I bit my bottom lip, trying to think that through. "I don't know. What do you want?"

His gaze dipped to my lips. "It's probably best I don't say. Besides, you should probably pick since I know I'm right."

"You're so sure?"

"One hundred percent."

He was looking at me in a way that made my stomach knot and pull, and something lower than my belly began a tingly feeling. For weeks I had wondered what it would be like to be one of those women. The ones a man casually wrapped an arm around while walking around campus. They always looked happy to be in someone’s arms. And at this moment, I knew the warmth Westin’s arms gave.

What would one kiss be like? Just how I remembered?

I swallowed hard, unable to say it out loud. To give credence to that desire building in my mind.

"Nissa, I'm going to need you to stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you want to find out if we’re still explosive together."

The hardness against my hip wasn't letting up. It was as if a steel rope had taken up residence along my hipbone, and it twitched as I just stared into Westin's eyes. I swallowed hard, and my gaze dipped to his lips.

"Westin? What if I do want to know?"

He groaned. "Fuuuuck, Nissa. I should go."

As he eased his arm from around my waist, I held onto it. My fingers barely managing to capture the muscle. "No. Don't leave me."

"If I stay, I'm afraid you’ll regret it."

"I've never regretted you," I whispered softly.

His gaze searched mine for a long moment, and then in an instant, his lips were covering mine, hands in my hair, tugging on the curls and angling my head roughly as he dove in deeper. His tongue licked into my mouth, stroking against mine as he gathered me close.

All I could do was respond with gasps and moans. Even as I whispered his name and wrapped my arms around him, I was not in control here. I was not in charge of this machine of passion. This was all Westin. He was a hundred percent driving, and the man knew how to drive.

He quickly rolled us over, his big body covering mine. He placed a leg between mine, his knee wedging between my thighs and urging them open further.

When I adjusted my position, he laid between my legs, his hand fisting in my hair, turning my head to the side as he dragged his lips away from mine and along my jaw. When he nuzzled my neck, his hips rocked into me, making me cry out.

"Oh my God, Westin, please."

The exquisite tingle of his cock sliding against my clit made my breath hitch.

"Nissa, fucking hell," his voice rasped out. He didn't sound triumphant and strong, like a man who was in control of his emotions. Westin sounded just as desperate as me. A plea to make this moment never end.

I was not a hundred percent sure what I was doing. My body moved of its own volition as I rolled my hips upward, silently giving permission for more. Westin's heat and pressure caused me to stir like a boiling kettle. As he ground against me, his teeth nipped my neck, making me grasp at his shoulders, pulling him closer.

"Fucking hell, that's it, show me how you like it."

I didn't know what I was showing him exactly. I didn't know what I was telling him. All I knew were the sensations threatened to take over my life. My entire existence was at his mercy, for all I cared about in this moment was being in his arms.

His free hand cradled my face for a moment and then slid down, his thumb working over my lips as he pulled back. His gaze was hot, burning with an intensity I'd never seen before. His eyes going dark blue as his pupils dilated even further. His hips rocked against me, and that exquisite grind made everything at the apex of my thighs throb with desire I never knew possible.

When he slipped his hand down to stroke my throat, the gentle squeeze had me arching my head backward. My eyes fluttered closed, and all I could do was sigh with pleasure at the incredible sensation. I could hear Westin's breathing hitch, and he muttered, "Fuuuuuck."

Then his hands slid down further, palming my breasts, one hand stopping to stroke my nipple and squeeze. I snapped my eyes open, lifting my head to meet his gaze.

"You are so soft, Beauty."
