Page 98 of The Rook

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"Your cousin? I didn't know you had a cousin."

"Yeah, well, I try not to think about it. You know how it is. Older cousins are the worst."

"Oh. You don't look anything alike."

Westin grinned. "You're right about that. All the looks obviously could only pass to one person. Me. He got all the attitude."

Gabe grinned, and I didn't care what Westin said, his cousin was beautiful to look at. His smile was so completely arresting that I had to blink several times to shake off the effects.

Even Westin was confused because he stared at his cousin for a long moment. "He heard I was in town, so he wanted to come and say hello."

Gabe nodded. "Yeah, just passing through. I just got back from Spain."

"What do you do?"

"Ops manager. It's boring stuff. But I do travel quite a fair bit."

"The travel part sounds interesting."

"Nah, it's a bit tedious after a while. I'm just here to follow up and make sure people do what they're supposed to do."

"Well, no one likes to babysit."

"Don't worry about it." He grinned at Westin. "And then my cousin here is being a bit cagey about his job now. I see there’s lots he didn't tell me. One being that his flat mate was so beautiful."

I flushed at that. "Oh, um that's lovely of you to say, but—"

"It's true. I'm sure he's nervous."

I rolled my eyes then and smiled. "So anyway, can we get you a drink or something?"

"Yeah, sure. I’d fancy a pint. What do you have?"

Westin glowered at him. "Not much. The fridge is that way."

I laughed. "Westin, it's your cousin. He's a guest."

"Oh, don't mind Westin's attitude. I'm not really a guest. Besides, I know my way around the place."

"Oh, I don't know why I got the impression you hadn't been here before."

Gabe frowned at that and studied me. "Why do you say that?"

"I don't know. Because we're hanging out in the foyer area? If my sister were here, I’m sure she would have been sprawled all over the couch by now like she owned the place. And where are the pictures? Care to tell me? Because I'm dying to know what Westin was like as a kid before I met him."

Gabe laughed. "Oh, I have stories for days."

And he did have lots of stories of Westin and their family. And the whole time, Westin just sat there, jaw tight. And I had to say, Gabe was a master at never quite answering questions and turning them around on you. Before I knew it, I was answering lots of questions about my sister and my dad and how I came to live with him. It was so easy to just tell him everything about myself. Before I knew it, a couple of hours had passed, and Gabe was more than aware that I was looking for my sister.

"Ah, rough going, love. I hope you do find your sister."

"Thanks, that's sweet of you."

Then Gabe stood and said, "Well, I must be going. I've taken up your night. I hope you didn't have much to do. Westin, mate, I'm leaving tomorrow morning. Let's grab a quick coffee before I head out."

"I can't. Nissa and I have plans."

He nodded. "Oh well, I'm sure she can make it to class on her own, right? It's just a coffee with your cousin."

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