Page 106 of Royal Creed

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“And make sure there’s no hope of a future?” He arches a brow.

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, swallowing hard. Then I nod again.

“And make sure there’s no hope of a future.”

It’s not what I want, but when have I ever truly been able to have what I want?

Chapter Forty


I kick the door to my apartment closed, placing the bags containing all the items I’d grabbed at the market on the kitchen counter. While we won’t have hours on end like we did on her birthday, I still want to do something with Esme besides a quick fuck. Sill want to do something that makes her smile, like cooking together.

Checking the clock on the stove to see it’s not yet seven, I start toward my bedroom when I hear a knock.

Apart from Adam, I don’t get many visitors. I doubt it’s him. He’s probably pulling an all-nighter assembling baby furniture. I consider ignoring it, but when I hear the knock once more followed by Esme’s voice telling me it’s her, I don’t hesitate. With quick steps, I rush to let her in.

“You’re early,” I remark. “I haven’t even had a chance to jump in the shower. Perhaps you’d like to join me?” I waggle my brows, expecting her to agree.

She doesn’t. Instead, her expression remains even. Sullen.

“May I come in?” she asks with a formality I haven’t heard in a while. Not like this. While we’ve been formal with each other at times, it was all in fun, a playful quality to her tone.

There’s nothing playful about her right now.

“Of course.”

I step back, allowing her to enter before closing the door and approaching her as she takes in the open living area of my apartment with an expression I can’t quite explain. Longing maybe?

“Is everything okay?” I ask after several moments. “You don’t seem like yourself. Did something happen?”

She pulls her gaze away from the oversized sofa that’s a far cry from the designer furniture that fills her place. Everything in my home is a far cry from anything she has in her apartment. The coffee table has a few dings, sofa cushions worn from years of use, walls in need of a fresh coat of paint. But for someone who doesn’t require much in terms of luxury, it suits my purposes.

With a deep, steadying breath, she squares her shoulders and brings her eyes to mine, steely resolve fixed on her expression.

“Based on recent events and certain rumors that are beginning to circulate, I believe it’s in our best interests to, uh, well…end our arrangement.”

I blink, unsure I understand what she’s saying. I see her mouth move. Hear her voice, but the words don’t register.

“Without the excuse of planning Rory’s shower, it’ll be much more difficult to find time together,” she continues when I don’t immediately respond. “It will be much riskier to find time together. Adam’s already suspicious. He’s not the only one. If we want to put an end to any rumors before they get out of control, we need to walk away. We knew from the beginning this had an expiration date. I think it’s best we go our separate ways now and…get on with our lives.”

“Get on with our lives?” I squeak out, testing the words on my lips.

Tightness squeezes my chest, making it impossible to breathe. I should have known something was off when she showed up earlier than planned. I thought she wanted more time together. I never expected she’d break up with me.

“Yes,” she responds, as if this is little more than a business negotiation. As if she’s not ripping me apart thread by tiny thread. “I enjoyed this summer.” A smile cracks on her lips, a break in her stoic demeanor. “More than I thought I would.” She clears her throat, all business once more. “Now that summer’s nearly over, it’s time we move on.”

“Move on.” I bark out a laugh, becoming more and more frustrated with every second she stands in my apartment. And not because she wants to end things.

But because this isn’t the Esme I’ve spent time with over the summer. The Esme who finally learned to live for herself, to hell with the obligations placed on her shoulders.

Instead, this is the Esme she was before this all began. The Esme the royal household molded her into years ago, eliminating all joy and independence.

“Like I said, this is the best course of action.”

“Why?” I advance on her. “So you can fuck Jameson and not feel any remorse?”

She blanches, the real Esme peeking through the cracks.

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