Page 74 of Valentino DeLuca

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“Martina, please forgive me. I’m sorry I couldn’t love you the way I loved Tessa.” He flinches as if hit by something. There is no one here but us and his demons. He wavers between remorse and anger, becoming more manic the longer he speaks. “I swear, if I’d known Tessa would take her own life…It isn’t my fault. I told her the only way she’d ever see Valentino again was to marry me, but you’d tricked me into marrying you first and making Sansone my heir. I had to get rid of you. I had to, but I was too late. Tessa left me saying death was preferable to being with me, but she lied. It was your fault. If you hadn’t—”

His revelations that held me frozen in disbelief lose their impact when he begins to make another excuse. As much as my fist tingles to punch his lights out, I’m too close to my goal to let my emotions out.

“You are a right bastard,” I say, injecting calm where there is none.

“Tácito? You’re here? Help. They’re after me.”

“All these years Sansone and Valentino have been in the dark about their mothers, always wondering without the satisfaction of the truth, and you expect sympathy? You know the drill, pendejo.”

By the time I leave him, he is huddled in a ball. I imagine he is whimpering, crying for his mother; a luxury he’s denied Sansone and Valentino. Thanks to Giulio, I have two more secrets I can’t share and it pisses me off.

Another week passes with this same routine. It’s a miracle Sloane and Valentino haven’t pushed to know what keeps me occupied late at night. Today, I hum as I approach the portal that has tormented me while delivering dark satisfaction. As I open the door, the torment is nowhere to be found. After weeks of daily visits and unwelcome confessions, this will be my last.

Giulio stares at the ceiling with unfocused eyes. He’s still on a high from his last dose. I continue to hum uncaring if I carry the tune well. I’ll never hear myself and Giulio…I doubt he’s in a state to hear me either after yesterday’s session. His track marks are well developed and his body has the same blotchy undertones common with a man his age.

I’ve done the best I can to fool a forensic scientist.

From my medical bag, I retrieve a pair of gloves, a syringe and two vials. Unlike my previous visits, the second medication doesn’t contain anti-depressants. I plunge the usual opioids in first, then follow them up with a lethal dose of fentanyl.

I stand back and watch. In the back of my mind, I see Sloane asking me about the do no harm thingy. This too does not qualify. Giulio is not my patient, and my actions are preventative. No longer will he be able to threaten our future, be a constant reminder to Valentino and Sansone of what they’ve lost, smile while planning to destroy my world. Today marks the end of my torment and the beginning of my bright future with Valentino and Sloane.

When his heart pumps its last beat, I quickly go through the steps to dump his body. In twenty-four hours or less, someone will stumble across him. His death will make the news and Sloane and Valentino will have no reason to fear him ever again.



Energy, something I haven’t had in long bursts for weeks now, pulses under my skin. I fidget from foot to foot, impatient to get downstairs.

“Hija, my son and Valentino aren’t going anywhere,” Marisol Sandoval says from the corner of the guest room I commandeered for today’s events.

“I was never this excited for my anniversary to her father.” My mother fluffs my train.

“That’s because it’s not just any anniversary. It’s been five years, and this time I get to share vows with Valentino and Tácito in front of our loved ones.”

Two years ago, the three of us decided to come clean to our parents. Tácito and I were more nervous about his parents’ reaction. They raised him as a devout catholic, although he stopped practicing in college. No amount of prayers has made our relationship one American law will recognize, but we wanted to share our love with the people we loved the most, despite expecting all kinds of curses about hell and damnation.

We sat both couples down at once because there was no way I could survive two reveals. Then Marisol nudged Luís. “I told you there was hanky-panky happening in that house when Tácito moved in the same time as our little Sloane.”

Then my father chimed in, “You mean I didn’t lose my bet to your mother? After three years, you got a lot of interest to pay, baby.”

My mother whispered something in my dad’s ear and from the grin that grew on his face, I knew all was well in Damian Mitchell’s world.

Now they’re here for my commitment ceremony, as much in our corner as when we were younger.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Marisol dabs at my face. “We did not spend over an hour for you to ruin all your pretty makeup. Today is a day for smiles and laughs. Not tears, happy or otherwise.”

I nod and fan my face because my eyes are on a rebellious streak and not following any directions.

A knock turns our attention to the door. My father’s voice filters into the room. “It’s time.”

We…I rush to get downstairs, but my mother and mother-in-law chastise me for my eagerness. They won’t understand. Not only am I renewing my deal with Valentino, this time for a lifetime contract, I’m entering one with Tácito. As much as I love the vows we exchanged on my first wedding night, Tácito deserves better. He deserves recognition for completing our trio. His love deserves acknowledgement because it sustains me as much as Valentino’s.

As we go outside to the smaller East lawn, the altar comes into view and my breath halts in my chest. They are blurry images standing in matching tuxedos, but I don’t need to see clearly to know them.

My mother crushes some tissues in my hand under my bouquet. “You done ruined beautiful work. Wipe your face before you fall on it.”

She and Marisol take their seats and my father steps up beside me.

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