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“Kid?” She frowned. “Why would a kid…”

“Coran,” I said. “Coran fits that age and description.”

I felt Alice stiffen in my arms.

“That does fit,” she admitted.

“Coran, the guy that her dad hired to help cover the load at the pumps, fits that description. I think he’s in college, though.”

“He’s in college, yes,” Alice confirmed. “But he also graduated two years early.”

“Well, I’ll add him to the list of people I need to talk to.” Sunny stiffened. “I’ll get over there as soon as I can talk to Silvy.”

“No.” Alice immediately shook her head.

“What?” Karen and I asked at the same time.

“Silvy’s investigating a murder, and from what I gather since y’all are here and he’s not, he’s still working it. Don’t tell him until he’s done there, or he’ll think about nothing but leaving and won’t be able to concentrate on anything else. I’m okay. I’ll be going to sleep soon anyway.”

That was a lie. We both damn well knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep a wink.

Not by herself anyway.

“I… okay.” Karen paused. “But that’s gonna make him super duper mad.”

“Then you tell him that it was my idea, and I needed a few moments to process, and if he has a problem with that, then bring it up with me. Not you,” Alice snapped.

I smoothed my hand up and down her outer thigh, almost to the crease of her hip before bringing it back down again. Calming her with my touch and not my words.

“I’ll deal with it,” Sunny said. “I’ll tell him after I get over to Coran’s place and get his alibi…if he has one.”

“Check his side for a scrape, if you can,” Aodhan suggested. “He’s holding it pretty hard there toward the end. Most likely there’ll be some bruising or actual markings indicating that he roughed himself up.”

Alice got up out of my lap and indicated that she ‘had to go to the bathroom.’

I let her go, watching her until she closed the bathroom door behind her firmly.

That’s when I turned to Karen, who I knew would be at Silvy’s side when she told him.

“When he finds out,” I said, breaking into the awkward silence, “tell him that I live at the main marina with the big boats. Left side of the harbor. Where the houseboats are. He’ll be able to find me from there.”

And there was no doubt or question that Alice would be with me.

Karen looked from me to the closed bathroom door and back. Nodded once. Then left with her hands fisted down at her side.

I feel you, Karen. I feel the exact same way.

After Karen and Sunny left, Sunny with a promise to call with information once he had it, the men started filing out.

“You need us to bring you to your bike?” Etienne asked.

I shook my head and jerked my chin toward the carport. “I’ll take my mom’s Beemer. It’s gassed up and in operating shape thanks to the caretaker of the property… hopefully.”

Etienne walked over to it, looked through the windows, then nodded once. “It looks clean and ready. I’m gonna bet it’ll work. But once we get to the bar, I’ll check my phone just in case. Then come back and get you on my own if you need it.”

I nodded in thanks, then watched them all pile into their vehicle before hurrying away.

Once back inside, I leaned against the kitchen counter and tried not to take in every nuance of the house that I’d grown up in. The place that I filled so many of core memories inside. Instead, I blocked everything out and watched the bathroom door.

It stayed closed so long that I was sure I’d have to drag her out.

I didn’t.

She eventually came out, eyes wary, and took in the empty living room. “Did I scare everyone off?”

“No,” I said. “They wanted to give you some time.”

She blew out a breath. “Hearing them watching that video, commenting on it, made me angry all over again. I didn’t want them to see me cry.”

So fuckin’ strong.

“Let’s go,” I urged.

She didn’t say a word as she followed me out of my mom’s house, waiting for me to lock and shut it down.

Only once we were in my mom’s car did I say, “I hope this starts. You know who was supposed to be taking care of it.”

“Hopefully she didn’t take care of it like she took care of your pool.” Alice snickered.

The car started with a low vibrating hum.

I blew out a breath, pulled my phone out, and texted Etienne that it started.

Then I took her home with me, because there was no way that I was leaving her at her place to just sit there and think about what happened.


I’m too old to fight. I’ll just fuck your dad.



I don’t know what I expected when I walked into Cassius’s house, but it definitely wasn’t what I got.
