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“I’m sure it’s fine, Harmony. Jake seems like a pretty bright guy.”

Spinning on her heels, she looked at me. Her eyes filled with sadness. “Fine?” Harmony shook her head and went back to moving about the kitchen. Reaching into a cabinet, she pulled out two mugs. “Oh, Preston, everything is far from fine.”

“I didn’t mean—”

Dropping her head, Harmony cried. I quickly jumped up and went to her. Turning her, I pulled her into my arms. “I have to bury my son and husband tomorrow, Preston, and I don’t think I can do it.” Burying her face in my chest, she gripped my shirt and cried harder. Her legs gave out and I dropped down to the floor with her and held her while she cried on the tiles of her kitchen floor.

Harmony cried until she fell asleep from what I guessed was sheer exhaustion. Looking up, I saw Jake.

“She broke down and I didn’t know what to do but hold her while she cried.”

Jake gave me a sad grin. “Let me show you where to put her.”

Standing up as carefully as I could while I held Harmony, I followed Jake to a room down the hall.

Jake opened the door and stood to the side while I walked into the room. It was fairly bare with just a bed, a dresser, and a small desk in the corner. Jake sighed as he spoke in a hushed tone. “It’s the guest room. She won’t sleep anywhere else but in this room.”

Pulling the covers back, I placed Harmony down and pulled the covers back over her. Her blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail and was spread across the pillow. Reaching down, I pushed a strand of hair back and behind her ear as I stared at her.

Twenty years old and already so much pain and hurt in her life. My heart broke as I watched her sleep for a few minutes more before I made my way out of the room and back into the kitchen.

Jake was leaning against the counter with a somber look on his face. “Trey’s parents couldn’t even give her a few days to get settled back in before they had to do the burial. I’d like to bash their fucking heads together.” Dropping his head back, he swore under his breath before looking back at me. “Do you know I had to threaten to get a court order to keep them from burying Trey and TJ while Harmony was still in the hospital?”

Sucking in a breath of air, I asked, “Why would they do that?”

“I don’t know. Something is so very wrong and I can’t put my finger on it. Trey’s dad is acting really weird. It feels as if they are hiding something, but I can’t put my finger on it.”

Following Jake back to the kitchen, I sat on a barstool and asked, “Could it be he’s just in shock, Jake? I mean, he did lose his son and grandchild.”

Nodding, he agreed. “You’re probably right. I can’t even begin to imagine how they both feel. I called my parents.”

Sitting up straighter, my interest was piqued. “And?”

Shaking his head, he said, “They told me the accident was God’s way of saying Harmony made the wrong choice.”

My mouth dropped open. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

Letting out a gruff laugh, Jake shook his head. “Nope. That’s my parents for you. I told them that was the last straw. For them not to even be there for their daughter during a time like this shows the true hearts they have. They said they would think about showing up. I told them not to do me any favors. I wouldn’t be surprised if I started getting bills for school.”

Closing my eyes, I shook my head and said, “Shit. Jake, I’m so sorry.”

Jake shrugged his shoulders and let out a heavy sigh. “My sister means more to me than their money. If that happens, I’ll work something out. I don’t have that much longer to go so I’m not too worried about it.”

My head tried to wrap itself around all of this. My parents were the total opposite of Jake and Harmony’s. There wasn’t a damn thing they wouldn’t do for me, and I knew that they would always stand by my side no matter what.

Clearing his throat, Jake pushed off the counter. “Listen, I know it would mean a lot to Harmony if you would be there tomorrow.”

Swallowing hard, I felt sick to my stomach. “Um, I’m not sure I can make it.”

Jake’s face fell with disappointment as he nodded. “Sure, I understand.”

Standing, I pushed the stool back in. “Where is it at?”

“Colonial Park Cemetery at one.”

Scrubbing my hands down my face, I let out a frustrated sigh. “I’ll try to make it, but no promises, Jake.”

Smiling, Jake held out his hand. “Hey, that’s good enough for me. Thanks, Preston, for being here for her. I know she appreciates it.”
