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“It’s okay…not to be okay. You know that, right?”

Giving him a head pop and a smile, I said, “I know, Mitch. I’ll be all right.”

Nodding, he flashed me a smile. “Hey, if that ball and chain will let you, let’s hit the club this weekend.”

Laughing, I picked up my pillow and threw it at him. “Shut the fuck up, asshole.”

He pointed at me and said, “Truth hurts!”

Before I could say anything else, he disappeared around the corner. Smiling, I shook my head and headed to the bathroom where I splashed my face with cold water, did a few jumping jacks in place, and made my way to the captain’s office.

Sitting in the chair, I stared at Captain Ryan. Sitting back in his seat, he finally started to talk. “Ward, I’ve been in your shoes and I know how you’re feeling. So wipe that fake-ass confident smile off your face and let me see your true feelings.”

My heart dropped as I stared at him. One thing my father always said was, you hold it in. Don’t let your cap see the fear. Fear makes you weak and there is no room for weakness.

“I’m not going to lie, sir, and tell you that I’m not bothered by the events of the other day. He was a child and his mother pleaded with me to save his life and I couldn’t.”

Shaking his head, he leaned forward. “No, you couldn’t. And even if that had been Sharp, Wister, myself—hell, any of these guys—no one would have been able to save that little boy. His father died on impact and how the mother didn’t die, I have no idea. I guess God has plans for her. There was nothing any of us could have done different, Ward. You need to get that into your head right now and don’t forget it. Do you hear me?”

Nodding, I whispered, “Yes, sir.”

Standing up, Cap reached his hand out to me. I followed his lead as I stood and reached my hand out. “I mean it, Preston. Do not dwell on this. Do not go up and see her again at the hospital, because I know damn well you did because I’d have done the same thing. Don’t get emotionally attached. Move on.”

Smiling, I nodded.

“Now, go eat. Wister made lasagna.”

Walking out of the room, I tried to let his words sink in. There was nothing any one of us could have done to save TJ.

Fate was in control, and as much as I wanted to believe that, I couldn’t.

Almost a week after Harmony’s accident, I found myself standing outside the door to her house. Jake had called to tell me Harmony had left the hospital two days ago and was home. I’d only gone back up one other time to see Harmony.

Not sure why I was even here, I turned and was headed back to my car when I heard my name. “Preston?”

Closing my eyes, I tried to push away the drop in my stomach when she said my name. Smiling, I turned and faced her. The bruises on her face were slowly fading, but the bright pink cast was a clear reminder of what had brought us together in the first place.

“Hey!” I said as I walked toward her.

Grinning, she tilted her head. “Did you ring the bell?”

Stopping at the bottom of the stairs, I let out a nervous chuckle. “What? No, I thought I had left my phone in the car.” I began patting all around until I felt my phone. “Nope, there it is. Just in case the station calls or something.”

“Oh, okay. Jake just left.”

Shit. I didn’t really want to be alone with Harmony, and I wasn’t really sure why I didn’t want to be alone with her.

“Are you going to come in or stand out here?”

Coming to my senses, I started up the stairs. “Right, sorry, I just got off shift so I’m a bit tired.”

Harmony’s face fell briefly before she gave me a weak smile and turned toward the house. I followed her in to the living room.

“Want a cup of coffee?” Harmony asked as she made her way into the kitchen. The living room and kitchen were all in one open-spaced room. Looking back at her, I could hear it in her voice. She was putting on a show for me.

“Sure. Black, please,” I said as I looked around. Pictures of Harmony, her husband, and TJ covered the walls. Walking over to the mantel, I smiled as I picked up a picture of the three of them. TJ couldn’t have been more than a few days old.

“Jake will be starting his residency in a few days. I hate that he’s missed so much schooling because of me.”

Nodding, I placed the picture back down and headed to the kitchen. Harmony gestured for me to sit at the kitchen island bar.
