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Preston walked up to me and placed his hands on the sides of my face. “Come home with me for Thanksgiving. I’m leaving today and staying until Friday.”

My eyes widened and my stomach felt like I had been on a roller coaster. “You mean to your parents’? For Thanksgiving? Can you do that? Can you just bring someone home like that without asking them first?”

Smiling, he said, “Yes. My mother would love to have you there. She’s been dying to teach someone other than my baby sister all her recipes.”

Looking down, I thought about it. “Well, Jake invited me over to Sandy’s parents’, but I didn’t want to feel like a third wheel and all.”

Preston’s thumb moved across my cheek and the trail of fire he was making with each movement was causing something deep down inside my stomach to pull and tug even more than before.

“Besides, you said you needed me near you to sleep. Country air, me close by you at night, what makes for a better recipe for sleep than that?”

The look in Preston’s eyes was amazing. He seemed excited at the idea of me spending Thanksgiving with him. My head was telling me no, but my heart and body were screaming ‘hell yes.’

“Okay,” I whispered.

Preston smiled and before I knew it, I was in his arms as he spun me around. Setting me down, he turned me away from him and hit my ass as he said, “Now go get dressed because I’m only human and you’re driving me fucking mad wearing my T-shirt.”

Oh. Oh my. That certainly got my attention.

Quickly making my way back upstairs, I stripped out of Preston’s T-shirt the moment I walked into his room. Glancing at the bed, I couldn’t help but smile. Placing my hands on my stomach to calm the butterflies, I turned to grab my clothes but then I decided I needed to take a shower. I could hear Preston on the phone downstairs talking to what sounded like his mother. Scooping up my clothes, I headed into the bathroom. Turning the shower on to hot, I removed my bra and panties and stepped inside. The water felt like heaven as it poured over my body.

Now if only Preston would join me, everything would be perfect. No! Stop thinking that way, Harmony. Shit! Preston Ward is going to be the death of me.

Looking around, I saw a bottle of men’s soap. Picking it up, I inhaled deeply, letting the smell invade my nose. “Preston,” I said with a smile on my face.


The moment I heard his voice I froze. What the hell? Is he in the bathroom?

“Um, are you in here, Preston?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Dropping my mouth open, I stepped as far back in the tub as I could. “W-why are you in here?”

Laughing, he asked, “Why are you in here?”

“I’m taking a shower, Preston!”

“Well, I’m brushing my teeth, Harmony.”

Not moving an inch, I stood there and listened.

“Man, you sure are a quiet bather. Are you almost done? I want to jump in.”

Placing my hand over my stomach, I attempted to calm my breathing down. Is he naked? Does he brush his teeth naked? Damn…that would be nice to see.

No. No. Focus, Harmony!

“With me? You want to jump in here with me?”



“Are you inviting me in there with you, Harmony?”

“No!” I practically screamed. Quickly grabbing the soap, I poured some in my hand and frantically washed my body. My hair would just have to wait.

Turning off the shower, I stood there. Pulling the shower curtain back some, I peeked out. Preston was leaning against the sink wearing nothing but a towel. Pulling the shower curtain closed again, I sucked in a breath of air.

Why are you punishing me like this, God? Are you testing me?

“Um, would you mind stepping out so I can get out of the shower?”

“How about if I just turn around?”

That bastard. I could hear the smile in his voice. “If you turn around, Preston, you’ll be looking in the mirror…at me.”

“Okay, if that’s what you want.”

Letting out a frustrated moan, I reached for the towel that was hanging up and dried off quickly. Wrapping it around my body, I pushed the shower curtain open. Preston’s smile dropped and his eyes widened as he took in the sight of me in nothing but a towel.

It was hard as hell holding back my satisfied smile. I had to admit, the way he was looking at me made me feel sexy. Trey never looked at me the way Preston was looking at me that very moment. I felt empowered.

Tilting my head, I motioned for him to get in the shower as I walked toward the bathroom door. “It’s all yours,” I said with a purr in my voice.

Pushing off the counter, Preston turned and reached into the shower, turning it back on. Before stepping in, he dropped his towel. I let out a gasp as I looked at his perfectly fit body and tight ass.
