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“You need to snap out of it, Rory. I have no idea what is wrong with you,” Russell whispered against my ear.

Glaring back at him, I replied, “I’m fine. Besides, I thought I was only here to sit next to you and look pretty. Wasn’t that what you said?”

He rolled his eyes. “Did you drink too much last night at a Halloween party or something? For Christ’s sake, I was kidding. Believe me, the fact that you blew Casey Long’s testimony out of the water is not lost on me. In your mother’s eyes, you’re the golden lawyer on this one.”

My body shook with anger. I hated Russell. Or maybe I hated myself more than anything else. Regina had sent me a text last night, and it had been haunting me since I’d read it at five-thirty this morning.

Finn is freaking out and tearing up his place. What happened, Rory? Please call me!

The buzzing of my phone caused me to jump. I feared it was Finn, but it was Autumn. Swiping up, I read her text.

Autumn: He was here this morning. I let him in because he didn’t believe you weren’t here. Rory, he begged me to tell him where you were. He was angry and I’m pretty sure drunk.

My heart pounded deafeningly in my chest. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath.

Me: You didn’t tell him, did you?

Autumn: No. But I wanted to. Especially when the guy about broke down in tears. His brother Wes…who I might add is sexy as fuck…had to force him to leave. My heart broke for him. You need to tell him the truth, Rory. Let him decide if being a firefighter is worth losing you.

Tears filled my eyes.

Me: I can’t do that to him, Autumn. I won’t make him choose.

Autumn: Rory, you’re making the biggest mistake of your life.

Me: I’ve got to go, in a meeting.

Autumn: Of course. You always were good at two things Rory. Running from your feelings and letting your parents decide how to live your life.

My mouth dropped as I read her last text. What in the hell did that mean? I wasn’t running from my feelings.

Was I?

The door to the conference room opened, and Casey Stevens and her lawyer walked in.

I opened my briefcase, and my breath caught. There was another letter in there that was almost identical to the one my mother had given me from Finn on Friday night. I picked it up and read:

What I love about us…

To be opened on Monday, November 1.

Snapping my eyes up, I quickly glanced around the room. I was on the verge of a complete meltdown.

I slid the letter under my notebook and took in a deep breath.

Russell cleared his throat and got the room’s attention. I looked at him but didn’t hear a word he said, and soon I turned from him and just stared out the window. When had he put that in my briefcase? It had to have been last night when I was getting ready to go out to dinner.

What does it say?

Should I read it?

“Rory? Rory!”

My head jerked to look at Russell. “I’m sorry, what was that?”

“Ms. Stevens would like to withdraw all accusations against Mr. Long, as long as he agrees not to press any charges against her.”

I stole a glance over to Robert. He nodded his head. “I’m ready to move on so I can get back to work and get married.”

I glanced around at the roomful of lawyers and the judge. Standing, I cleared my throat and dug deep inside to get my shit together. “I suggest Ms. Stevens writes a letter of apology and reads it during a press conference, and the sooner the better. With Mr. Long being a public servant and the amount of press this case generated, that’s the best way to get it out that the accusations were false.”

Russell cleared his throat. “I agree; I think a public statement is a good idea.”

I watched as Casey Stevens’s face turned white as a ghost. She shot me a dirty look and turned to her lawyer. “This is insane. I simply tried to help out my sister, and now I have to go on TV and say I’m a liar.”

When she looked back at me, my brows lifted. “Are you not…a liar, Ms. Stevens?”

She went to speak, but the judge spoke before she could. “I don’t think asking you to make a public statement regarding your false accusations is any worse than you accusing an innocent man of sexual harassment, Ms. Stevens.”

The bitch’s lawyer spoke up before Casey Stevens could. “We’ll get it scheduled as soon as possible.”

“What? I’m going to lose my job if I go on TV and say I lied about this. This is not fair.”

I’d had enough of this lady. Hell, I’d had enough of everything. As I started gathering my things, I pierced her cold stare with one of my own. “You could be sitting your ass in jail, Casey. But Robert didn’t want that and asked the judge to go easy on you. Six months of probation and a hundred hours of community service is pretty damn fair, I think. I wouldn’t argue too much if I were you, unless you want to go to jail.”
