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Sissy jumped up and rushed over to him. When he told her they’d stopped the internal bleeding and that Zeb had woken up in recovery and asked about her, she jumped into the doctor’s arms and cried.

I turned to Colton and we shared a look of relief. Sissy was now in a full-blown cry, thanking the doctor over and over again.

The thought of Rory being that scared did weird things to me. I sent her a quick text telling her Zeb was going to be okay. She didn’t respond until I was in the cab and heading back to my place.

Rory: I’m so glad he is okay.

I was taken aback by how short her text was. She hadn’t asked about Zeb or Sissy. Something felt wrong.

Terribly wrong.

I ran to the elevator when I got back to my building. Racing to my door, I almost knocked down a neighbor. I rushed inside.

“Rory?” I called out.

Flash jumped up in his crate and barked.

She isn’t here.

Me: Where are you? Did you go back to your place?

There was no response to my text.

Something caught my attention as I walked over to the crate and let Flash out.

To Finn.

A sinking feeling hit my stomach as I stared down at the envelope. My hands shaking, I opened it. The key to my condo was in it, along with a letter. As I pulled the paper out, my heart pounded in my chest and I was struggling to bring in air.

I read her letter through blurred eyes.

My Sweet Finn,

I know I promised to never leave you, and my heart is breaking as I write this, but we can no longer be together. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, but it’s the only thing I know to do. Please try to understand I wouldn’t do this unless I had to.

The last few months have been the most amazing time of my life. I wouldn’t trade them for all the gold in the world. And no matter what you may think of me right now or in the future, please know that I love you. I’ll always love you.

Please don’t hate me. I don’t think I could stand it if you hated me.

Forever yours,


The letter slipped from my hands as I stumbled over to the kitchen bar.

“Why?” I whispered to myself. “Why would she do this to me?” I closed my eyes and tried to steady my breathing.

Flash barked at my side, causing me to jump and look back at the letter. Seeing the glass plate with the bread on it, I picked it up and threw it across the room. Glass shattered everywhere, and Flash ran into the bedroom.

I yelled louder, “Why, Rory? Why?”

Picking up a vase with flowers Rory had bought last week, I threw it against the wall.

“How could you do this to me?” My arm swept across the bar, causing everything to hit the floor in loud crashes.

“How could you do this?” I yelled out.

Spinning around, I grabbed whatever I could and started throwing it. Why would she do this? Why would she destroy my entire world?

Something inside of me snapped as I pushed my sofa over, kicked Flash’s kennel, and reached for anything I could while screaming out “Why?”

“You lied! You fucking lied! Motherfucker!”

“Finn! Stop!”

Spinning on my heels, I saw Regina standing in the doorway with a stunned look on her face.

“What is going on? It’s four in the morning. You’re going to wake everyone up.”

My legs started to feel weak. “She left me.”

Regina’s eyes widened in shock.

“What? That’s impossible. She loves you.”

Slowly shaking my head, I whispered, “She left me.”

The bottle of Jack caught my eye, and I grabbed it and started drinking.

“Finn. Please don’t do this.”

Paul walked up to me and tried to take the bottle from me. I looked directly into his eyes. “I can’t. I can’t live without her.” He nodded and turned to Regina.

“Wes is in town. I have his number. I’ll call him,” Regina said as Paul turned back to me.

“Let’s sit out on the balcony, Finn.”

I finished the bottle of Jack in record time, then moved on to beer, then fell into a stupor. When I came to, Paul was sitting next to me, along with Wes, who’d showed up at some point, unbeknownst to me.

Neither of them said a word, probably realizing that the alcohol had been the only thing that could numb my heart, that the darkness it provided was the only thing that could keep me from feeling, that I needed that darkness now, more than I ever had before in my life.

Chapter 47


Worst day of my life

I headed into the conference room, with Russell and Robert Long trailing behind me. My body felt numb. When I’d woken up in the hotel this morning, nothing in my life seemed to matter anymore. I felt so out of sorts from being away from my own home, but I knew that would be the first place Finn would come and look for me.
