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I was instantly pissed off. Even though I knew Russell was right. I couldn’t afford a distraction like Finn Ward, but I didn’t need him telling me.

“You don’t have to worry about me, Russell. I’m married to my job.”

He smiled and hit the gas as we weaved in and out of Boston traffic on the way back to the office. “That’s what I want to hear.”

Chapter 10


Confused feelings

It had been a week since I’d seen Rory, and I couldn’t get that last encounter out of my head. She’d acted like she wanted me to kiss her. And I was tempted to kiss her, but I didn’t want it getting back to her father. Plus the asshole lawyer coworker of hers was standing there.

I peered down to Flash. “Finally, boy, we get a day off.”

Flash barked and attempted to jump up on me. “No! Down.”

He didn’t listen—surprise, surprise. But I wasn’t prepared for his leash to jerk right out of my hand. And I really wasn’t prepared for him to take off like he had a jet up his ass. Straight into the middle of the Ferns. I knew where the little bastard was heading.

“Flash! Damn it, get back here!” I yelled out.

Running as fast as I could, I watched as he scampered in and out of crowds of people. “Sorry! Shit! Sorry about that, ma’am!”

“Get your damn dog on a leash, asshole!”

Turning around, I shot the bicyclist the finger and yelled back, “Can’t you see the leash trailing him, you dickhead?”

When I spun around, I came to an abrupt halt. Flash was licking the face of a lady. Who was lying on the ground. With Flash standing over her.

“Please tell me he didn’t knock you down.”

She laughed and sat up. “Well, I saw you chasing him so I bent down, but he was coming in hot.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well, he is a firehouse dog, and named Flash.”

Her eyes lit up. “Really? A firefighter, huh?”

“Yes ma’am.”

Damn. It was too easy. Women loved firefighters. It had brought a lot of pussy my way over the years.

Standing, she brushed off her jeans. “Julie Pringle.”

I lifted my brows. “Like the chips?”

She giggled. “Yes!” She glanced down at Flash, then peeked back up at me. “So you know my name, and I know your dog’s name. What about your name?”

My hand extended toward hers. “Finn Ward.”

“Nice to meet you…Finn Ward. Do you both run here often?”

Taking a quick glance around, I nodded. “Yes. I’ve only had Flash for a little bit, but he’s managed to make my life a living hell, so we run and play until I basically wear his ass out.”

Julie handed me Flash’s leash. “Dalmatians are full of energy. I’m a vet tech, so I know.”

“Really? So then you would know when they finally grow out of this chewing stage.”

With a pat on the dog’s head, she looked me directly in the eye and said, “It may never end.”

I stepped back in a state of horror. I can’t live like this. This dog is going to eat everything I own. Everything.

“Looks like Flash has been causing a bit of drama, huh?”

Rolling my eyes, I mumbled, “You have no idea.”

“Maybe you should talk to someone about it. Like me for instance, over dinner. Tonight.”

Damn, this woman is blunt. I was tired of women throwing themselves at me. It was all meaningless now.

My eyes widened at my sudden realization.

“Finn? Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

I shook my head. “No…sorry. The last few days have been long. Listen, I appreciate the dinner invite, but I’m kind of seeing someone.”

Huh? What in the hell?

Her lips formed into a pout. “Well, I guess that’s my loss, isn’t it?”

The only thing I could do was smile.

I lied. Why in the hell did I lie?

Maybe I thought it was easier to tell her that than to turn her down?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

“Thank you so much for catching this little bastard….I mean…for catching Flash.”

She covered her mouth and chuckled. “Well, maybe I’ll see you both out running sometime.”

Nodding, I lifted my hand. “Thanks again, Julie.”

“Sure! Anytime!” she called out as Flash and I took off into a run.

“All right, what’s wrong?” Colton asked as I sat down on my sofa. Flash jumped up next to me and spilled the popcorn everywhere in his attempts to sit on me.

“Damn it, Flash!” I shouted. “Get off the sofa!”

I gave him a hard push, and Flash jumped off and promptly ran across the room and jumped up on Colton.

Sighing in frustration, I got up and started to clean up the popcorn.

“Okay, I know it’s not the dog that has you all uptight.”

Shooting daggers at Colton, I pointed to the sofa arm. “Do you not see the arm half chewed off?”

Colton looked down and attempted to hold back his smile. “He sure did a number on it. How long is Cap making you keep this mutt?”
