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“Probably until he drives me insane and I can no longer take it.”

This time he didn’t hold his laughter back. “Seriously, though, it’s not the dog that’s bothering you. I can tell you like him.”

I huffed. “The thing is destroying my place and eating me out of it at the same damn time.”

Plopping back onto the sofa, I scrubbed my hands down my face. “For fuck’s sake. I can’t get her out of my mind.”

“And there it is. It’s finally happened.”

“What’s finally happened?” I asked, dropping my hands to my side.

“That girl.”

My brows pinched together as I stared at him. “That girl?”

Colton sipped his beer, taking his time responding to me. “Yep. That girl that makes you rethink everything. Like, do I really want to go out tonight and mindlessly flirt with women? Am I really gonna have a one-night stand with the hot chick I met at Subway? Will I ever call the number I got from the yoga instructor after she went blatantly out of her way to guide me into my poses today?”

Squeezing my eyes shut, I said, “Wait,” I said as I looked at Colton. “When in the hell did you sign up for yoga and did you really sleep with someone you met at Subway?”

“Dude, are you listening to me, and where have you been? Do you know how many women I’ve messed around with from my yoga class alone?”

“Subway?” I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

“You’re not listening, Finn. I’m saying Rory is the one girl who is going to change everything. Your playing days are over. Like Zeb’s is and mine kind of are.”

I laughed. “Kind of? I thought you and what was her name again?”


“Things not going good with you two?”

Colton shrugged. “It’s going.”

“Are you not exclusive?”

“I guess for right now we are.”

Lifting my brow with a questioning look, I replied, “You guess for right now? It sounds like you’re more confused than me.”

Shooting me the finger, Colton called Flash up onto his lap again after the bastard had jumped down to chew on a toy. “We aren’t talking about me right now, though, are we?”

“Oh man, don’t call him up here. Flash, down. Down, boy.”

Colton rubbed Flash between his ears, instantly getting him to lie on his lap. I explained, “You know what’s going to happen? I’m going to take him back to the station this week and he’s going to jump in Adams’s lap and then I’m fucked because I’ll be blamed for teaching the beast that.”

Flash lifted his head and looked at me. My heart sank. Damn, he really was a cute dog. “You’re not a beast, just a pain in the ass.”

He put his head back down and closed his eyes.

“Let’s get back to Rory. Ask her out.”

“I have! She keeps turning me down. She said her dad wouldn’t be too happy with her dating a firefighter.”

With a roar of laughter, Colton pointed to me. “Or you! Dude, could you imagine if Cap found out you were dating his daughter! Holy shit. You think he doesn’t like you now—he may have you killed.”

I smiled, for about a second. “You don’t think he would…do you?”

Flash didn’t seem to like Colton’s constant moving around. He jumped off him and headed into his crate and lay down. “What, kill you? No, but I think he would find some reason to get rid of you…from the department.”


“Hell yeah he would. I mean look, he gave you that crazy-ass dog to keep for no reason other than to torture you. And that’s only because he thinks you’re a player.”

Flash barked, causing both of us to look his way. “Sorry, Flash,” Colton said before finishing off his beer and setting it on the coffee table. “Let me ask you something, Ward. When was the last time you got laid?”

I shrugged. “Shit, I don’t know. Before my birthday, so a few weeks.”

Colton gave me a smug look. “And when did Rory Adams show up into the picture?”

“You’re fucking crazy if you think I’m not getting laid because I’m waiting for Rory.”

Leaning forward, Colton rested his arms on his legs. “Have you had the chance to hook up with anyone since you met Rory?”

“Yes,” I answered too quickly.


“And what?”

“Why haven’t you?”

My hand pushed through my hair. I instantly knew the reason why.


Colton stood up. “Come on. We’re going out.”

With a groan, I shook my head. “No. I’m not in the mood to go out.”

“We’re going to test my theory.”

Standing, I grabbed Flash’s leash. “Oh Christ. This is not going to turn out good.”

He slapped my back and laughed. “Boys’ night out.”

I put Flash’s collar on and headed to the front door. “Let me take Flash out really quick.”

The second I stepped out of the elevator, I grabbed my phone. Pulling up Rory’s number, I smiled. I had gotten her cell number when she’d left her phone sitting on my counter.
