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I hit End and pushed the phone into my pocket. My stomach felt sick, and I wasn’t sure if it was from the alcohol or the call. With a forced smile, I captured Julie’s stare. I pressed my lips to hers. The sooner I moved on, the faster I’d forget Rory.

Chapter 12


We aren’t even dating

As I rode up in the elevator to Finn’s place, I went over all the reasons why when I got to his floor I should stay in the elevator, push the button for the first floor, and walk away.

My father.

I couldn’t afford the distraction.

I didn’t have time for a relationship.

Work was my number one priority.

Rolling my eyes, I sighed. Was that all I could come up with?

Then I went through all the reasons I should keep heading to his front door.

His smile.

His laugh.

His kiss.

The way he made me feel when he touched me.

The idea of what it might be like to actually be in a relationship with someone.

With a heavy sigh, I shook my head. Was it worth the risk of my father finding out?

My fingers moved lazily over my lips. I could still feel the tingle from when he kissed me.

Smiling, I knew my answer.

I could keep it a secret. My parents were clueless whether I dated or not. They would ask out of obligation to know what was happening in my life, but I always gave them a generic answer. On the one hand, they would tell me to focus on my career, but on the other, they would tell me I needed to find someone and start living my life.

The doors to the elevator opened and I stepped out and made my way down the long hall to Finn’s. My heartbeat increased with each step. I wasn’t sure if it was because of his phone call last night or from finally giving in to the only thing I wanted.


As I approached his door, I took in a deep breath. He had been out last night, and clearly he was drunk when he called.

His last words haunted me as I raised my hand to knock.

“I’ll leave you be….Consider this distraction gone.”

Taking a deep breath, I knocked. The door moved and I stepped back. My gut was telling me something was very wrong. Using the tip of my finger, I pushed the door open and peeked inside.

“Finn?” I barely called out.

Oh God. What if he’s hurt?

My eyes scanned everywhere. There were bottles of beer all over the coffee table. My heart dropped. What if he got drunk, then went out? My hand came up to my stomach as a thought occurred to me.

What if he hooked up with someone last night? Russell’s comment about Finn ran through my mind. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to even think that was a possibility.

Taking another glance around, I noticed the kennel door was open. But there was no sign of Flash anywhere.

Panic instantly set in. Where’s Flash?

Okay. Deep breaths, Rory. In through your nose, out through your mouth.

I covered my nose and my eyes widened as the strong smell of alcohol hit me.

What am I doing? I’m in Finn’s apartment without his permission. What if he took Flash out for a walk and here I am snooping around his place? Maybe he thought he shut the door and it hit too hard and opened back up?

Pulling out my phone to call him, I heard moaning coming from down the hall. I instantly froze. This could end very badly if I headed that way.

I chewed on my thumbnail as I silently debated if I should investigate or turn around and leave. Dropping my hands to my side, I drew in a deep breath and slowly made my way down the hall. Finn moaned again right as I stopped at his bedroom door.

“Finn?” I softly called out.

I reached for the door handle, and slowly opened it.

“Oh. My. God,” I whispered as my hand slammed over my mouth. My eyes widened as I took in the sight before me. I wasn’t sure if I should look away or not.

Flash lifted his head and barely wagged his tail as he lay across a naked Finn. A naked Finn with morning wood. My stomach did a serious flip.

“Holy shit!” I whispered. He. Is. Huge. I’ve seen a dick or two before in my life, but this was like the dick of all dicks. How does a girl walk after having that thing inside of her?

Finn moaned again. Clearly he was feeling the pain of his drinking last night.

Smiling, I motioned with my hands for Flash to come to me. “Come on, boy. Flash, come. Let’s go pee-pee!”

He tilted his head and stared at me like he had no intentions of leaving his post.

“Hungry? Want your hungries?”

Again. Nothing. It was like he was protecting his fallen leader.
