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“Evening, beautiful.”

“Um, Finn?”

My heart jumped when she recognized my voice.


“H-how did you get my number?”

With a lighthearted laugh, I replied, “Wasn’t hard, considering you left your phone sitting right there on my counter.”

With a nervous chuckle, she said, “Oh. I guess that makes sense. Is everything okay?”

“Tell me you’ll have dinner with me tonight.”

“It’s eight-thirty.”

“So? You’ve never eaten dinner late?”

“No. Well I mean, I have. It’s just I can’t. I’m sorry.”

“You got plans with someone else?”

The silence on the other end of the phone bothered the hell out of me.


“I’m here. No. I don’t have plans with anyone else.”

“Then it’s a date. What time should I pick you up?”

She sighed. “Finn, listen, I’m in the middle of this case and Russell and I will be working long hours and I really can’t afford a distraction right now.”

“A distraction? So that’s what I am?”

“Yes. No, wait. That’s not what I mean exactly. You are, but, well I can’t really talk right now. Russell is waiting on me to get back in the conference room.”

Until this very moment, my heart had never actually felt as if it had been torn in half. “You’re with Russell…working this late, huh?”

“I was about to head out, so maybe we can talk later.”

Closing my eyes, I nodded. “Yeah. Sure.”

Flash barked, and I glanced down at him. “See ya around, Rory.” Hitting End, I let out a frustrated breath.

Fuck it. No woman is worth this shit.

Chapter 11


Time to move on

The second Colton and I walked into the club, women were all over us. We drank, danced, drank some more, and I was pretty sure that at one point, Colton got a girl off while we all sat at the table we were at now.

“Finn Ward! What a small world.”

Glancing up, I tried to focus my half-drunk eyes on the woman standing in front of me. “Do I know you?” I asked.

She laughed. “Julie? I caught your dog Flash in the park earlier today.”

My mouth fell open and I pointed to her. “Julie! Dog-saving Julie. How the hell are you?” I called out.

“I’m doing good. What about you?”

Grinning just enough to flash her my famous smile, I replied, “I’m doing great, now that you’re here.”

She looked around. “Where’s your girlfriend?”

I jerked my head back, almost a little too fast. “Girlfriend?” Then I remembered my lie. “Oh her…yeah…I’m too much of a distraction for her. She doesn’t want to date me. I’m not good enough like her lawyer friend, Russell.”

Julie licked her lips and the next thing I knew, she was straddling me. “Well, her loss is my gain.”

Her mouth pressed against mine, and I was soon lost in the feel of her hands all over my body. Pushing my hands up under her shirt, she gasped when I pinched her nipple through her bra.

“Yes. Finn, take me home and do what you want with me,” she mumbled against my lips.

Pushing my hand up into her hair, I grabbed it and pulled her head back, exposing her neck to me.

“You want me to fuck you?”

“God yes!”

Glancing over to Colton, I couldn’t help but notice how his head was dropped back and his eyes were closed. Where in the hell was the girl who was just kissing him? It was then I noticed she was under the table. Colton lifted his head and looked directly at me.

I stood and helped Julie off me. “I’m out of here, dude.”

Colton looked over at Julie, then back to me, and smirked. I shot him the finger and said, “You proved me wrong.”

If I hadn’t known any better, I’d have sworn his eyes looked sad.

Taking Julie’s hand in mine, I gave her a slight tug and said, “Let’s go on back to my place. Later, Colt.”

“Have a good time, Finn!” he called out as we walked toward the exit.

Stepping outside the club, I called for a cab. Julie was on the phone talking to her friend. “Hey, I’ll give you a call tomorrow. Yes. His name is Finn Ward and I have met him before. I’ll check in when we get there. Bye!”

“Jesus Christ, is she your mother?” I asked as I whistled this time for a cab.

“She just worries. You know how it is with moms.”

I nodded. “Yeah. I know how it is.”

The cab pulled up and we crawled inside. I gave him the address to my condo and quickly turned to Julie. “I need to make a call too,” I said as my speech slurred slightly. I was drunker than I thought I was.

Hitting Rory’s number, I waited for her to answer.

“Finn? Is everything okay?”

“Oh…you saved my number in your phone, huh? You sure you should have someone like me in your phone…ya know…a distractor?”

“Finn, are you drunk?”

“Hell yes I’m drunk. But you know what: I only called to tell you that you don’t have to worry anymore, Rory. I’ll leave you be….Consider this distraction gone.”
