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Finn took my hand as climbed the stairs. “You have a thing against libraries, Rory?”

“No, not at all. I love to read.”

“Good. You can help me then.”

Before I had a chance to ask what he needed help with, we were walking into the library. The smell of the books hit me, and I couldn’t help but smile. Reading was one of my favorite hobbies. Unfortunately, I never had the time to read anymore. I made a note to myself to change that and make the time.

As we walked farther into the library, I could hear the flip of pages and a few people coughing. I also couldn’t help but notice how many women’s mouths fell open as Finn walked by. It felt kind of nice knowing he was holding my hand as we passed them…giving them a clear picture he was mine.

Mine. Ugh. He wasn’t mine. We were only on our first date.

Then again, so far it had been amazing.

It didn’t take me long to realize we were headed to the children’s area of the library.

When we walked in, the librarian looked up. She was probably about my age, maybe a year or two older. Her face lit up like the Fourth of July when she saw Finn. Then her eyes drifted down to our clasped hands and her smile faltered, though only for a brief moment.

Oh great…even the librarian has a thing for him. Clearly this was something I was going to have to get used to.

“Finn! It’s so great to see you. The kids are super excited about your reading today.”

My eyes widened in surprise as I realized what was going on.

“Awesome. Did the book I requested come in?”

“It did! The Little Fire Engine by Lois Lenski.”

My heartbeat must have increased ten times as my stomach fluttered.

I want to have this man’s babies.

“Perfect.” Finn glanced at me and then back to the librarian. “Oh, I’m sorry. Jessica, this is Rory. Rory, this is Jessica, the children’s librarian.”

She reached for my hand, causing me to snap out of my daydream of birthing Finn’s children.

“It’s a pleasure to meet one of Finn’s friends.”

Oh, okay…wow. She’d really stressed “friends.” She was clearly jealous.

Plastering on a fake smile, I replied, “The pleasure is mine.”

It wasn’t lost on me that Finn wrapped his arm around my waist and drew me closer to him. As if to tell her that in his eyes we were more than friends.

“You’re a few minutes early, so if you’d like to show…Rory, was it?”

“Yes, Rory,” I answered, suppressing an eye roll.

“If you’d like to show Rory around, please feel free to. We’ve got about twenty minutes or so.”

Finn turned away from her, and my breath hitched at the way he looked at me. “I think I can find something to show her.”

Before I knew it, we were heading back downstairs. “So you read to the kids here?”


“That’s very sweet, Finn. I have to say, I’m kind of surprised.”

“Good, then that makes two of us caught off guard today by the other.”

I couldn’t help but chortle at his comment. It was so true.

He led me through the library and toward a corner that was empty. “Are we getting a book?” I asked, glancing around. All of the books looked and smelled old in this area of the library.

Weaving in and out of the bookshelves, we soon found ourselves in the very back corner. Finn stopped and pushed me up against the shelf.

His lips were soon on my neck, moving ever so lightly across my skin. My entire body became inflamed.

“So tell me, Rory,” he whispered. “Have you ever had sex in a library?”

My eyes widened in shock. “W-what?”

“I’ll take that as a no.”

I swallowed hard and tried to get my mind to think straight. But it was so difficult with the way he was kissing me. His hand moved up my body and cupped my breast. “Do you have any idea of how much I want you?”

“N-n-no,” I panted. “I mean yes. No. Wait. I don’t know what’s happening right now, Finn. I can’t breathe.”

The idea of being in a public place and making out was doing something to me. It was turning me on even more than I already was…which surprised me.

He moved back and gazed into my eyes. “I want our first time together to be magical, Rory, but five years is way too long for you to be deprived of having someone give you an orgasm.”

My eyes drifted to the back of my head as he kissed up the side of my neck and nipped on my earlobe.

I gasped. “I’ve never…had a man make me…orgasm.”

Finn came to a stop. “What?” he whispered. “You’ve never had an orgasm?”

“I have…but by my own hand.”

He slowly took another step back, and I felt completely vulnerable. I had no idea why I felt the need to blurt every honest-to-God truth to this man, but I did. I was batting a thousand today.
