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Pushing my arm through the bushes, I threw the bag of nuts at her and said, “Feeding the birds!”

I heard her rustling with the bag.

“Rory? Sweetheart, what are you doing here? Why aren’t you at the office?”

I slid farther down and prayed like hell he hadn’t seen or heard me.

“Daddy, I um…well I ah…wasn’t feeling good. So I worked from home. Then I

um…decided to get out and go for a walk. In the park. For fresh air, because that’s where you go when you need fresh air.”

The bag rustled again. “Feeding birds. I was feeding the birds.”

I closed my eyes. She was a terrible liar.

“Sweetheart, what’s wrong? Sore throat? Fever?”

“No, nothing like that. I think I was just really tired. I’ve been working a lot.”

“I know. Your mother tells me about all the hours you put in. Rory honey, you need a private life. What about a boy?”

Rory halfheartedly laughed. “A boy? Daddy, I’m almost twenty-seven years old. I’ve moved on from boys.”

Captain Adams chuckled. “Well, you’ll always be my little girl.”

My head dropped into my hands. He will kill me if he finds out what I did to his little girl today. Or what I plan on doing to her in my bed.

“Listen, how about you come over for dinner this week. I met a nice young man at the bank the other day.”

Rory groaned, and anger instantly flowed through my entire body. “Dad, no. I’m not interested in meeting the guy who works at your bank.”

“Why? You seeing someone?”

I held my breath and closed my eyes. “No, I’m not seeing anyone.”

Opening my eyes, I stared at the bush in front of me. A part of me ached that she’d lied about us. How long would we have to go on hiding?

“Good, because I heard you were hanging around a few firefighters the other day.”

“Dad. I was at the station interviewing them for my job. You know…where I’m the lawyer for a firefighter who’s been accused of sexual assault. I wasn’t ‘hanging around’ them, I was working.”

“Good. I hear about you snooping around any of those guys and you know what will happen.”

I turned and leaned closer to the bush to hear him.

“I’ll break every bone in their goddamn body, that’s what I’ll do. I especially don’t want you at my station. There are a few guys there that I don’t want getting their eyes on you.”

“Like who?” Rory asked.

My body tensed.

“No firefighters, baby. You know my rules. Now, I’ve got to run. Should I tell your mother dinner on Thursday?”

“I’ll check my schedule and call one of you guys.”

“Sounds good, sweetheart.”

Captain Adams’s voice grew distant as he kept talking. “Get home and rest!”

“I will,” Rory called out. “Bye, Daddy!”

Waiting in silence, I thought back to what Rory’s dad had just said. How long would we have to keep this a secret from him? If he found out about us, what would it do to their relationship, with him knowing his daughter had done the exact opposite of what he wanted?

I was too damn greedy to care. I had a taste of Rory Adams, and I wanted more.

So. Much. More.

“He’s gone, Finn. You can come out now.”

I stood and pushed my way through the bushes. I stopped when I saw her standing there, staring in the direction her father had run. Her normally confident posture was slumped over as she dragged in a long breath and forced it out. “He’s never going to accept the fact that I’m dating a firefighter. Ever.”

My heart slammed against my chest. I dropped my head and sighed. Looking back up at her, I went to say something, but my eyes were drawn to all the ants coming out of the bag.

“Hey, Rory. You might want to drop that bag.”

She lifted it and asked, “Why?”

That’s when she screamed. And then threw the bag up in the air, letting all the peanuts escape and fall everywhere around her.

“Are they in my hair! Ohmygod! Are they in my hair?”

Her arms flailed in every direction. I wouldn’t have thought arms could move like that. “Get them off! I feel them crawling on me.”

The cries for help and the movement of her arms must have been some kind of bird call, because before I could even take a step to help her, pigeons swarmed in and started going after the peanuts. Even the ones in her hair were fair game.

Short bursts of screams came forth from her mouth as she ran in every possible direction to get away from the pigeons.

“Pigeons! They’re trying to eat me! Help!”

It only took about thirty seconds for the shock of what was happening to wear off and for me to rush in to save her. I picked her up in my arms and started off toward my condo. Rory had a death grip around my neck as she continued to scream for help. In my ear.
