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My face fell. “What? Right now? She’s in labor!”

Preston laughed. “It’s not every day Finn has a girl on his arm. Harmony’s been sending me out here looking for you guys.”

He motioned for us to follow him, and we did. When he opened the door, Preston almost hit the nurse with it.

“Mr. Ward, we were just coming for you.”

My eyes scanned the room and landed on a beautiful young woman with blond hair. She was breathing heavily but wore a huge smile. Her hair was pulled up in a slobby bun that bounced around as she let out a small yelp.

“Oh. My. Goodness! You’re beautiful!” she said, pointing to me.

My face instantly warmed as Finn pushed me farther into the room. “She doesn’t bite,” he whispered.

Too fast.

Holy mother of angelic hosts…I’m meeting the in-labor sister-in-law.

Harmony reached her hand out for me, and I quickly walked up and took it. “Rory, is it?”

I nodded. “Yes. It’s a pleasure meeting you and my goodness…congratulations on the um…well for being…ahh…your baby! How exciting.”

She giggled and then squeezed the living hell out of my hand, about dropping me to my knees.

“Oh…what in the hell!” she yelled out.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I counted to ten. I was pretty sure if she gripped any harder my fingers would break.

The nurse quickly looked at her, and then popped her head up and said to the other nurse, “Page the doctor. She’s crowning.”

“What?” four voices cried out at once.

“Oh, my God! The baby is coming right this second?” Harmony said as she started to cry. That totally explained the death grip.

Preston quickly went to the end of the bed and looked, and I instantly felt out of place. “Do you see him, Preston?” Harmony asked as she let go of my hand and I quickly pulled it away.

I glanced over to Finn, trying to get his attention so that we could leave the room. The door opened and the doctor and two more nurses walked in.

I turned back to Preston, knowing what was about to happen. You could see it on his face.

“Oh God! Another contraction!” Harmony called out, and two seconds later, Preston was on the floor. Finn ran over and tried to help him up, but caught a glimpse of the same thing that had taken Preston down.

“Oh no,” I whispered as I watched Finn’s knees give out. The nurse called out for help, and the doctor spun around in time to catch Finn, but Preston slipped from Finn’s arms and went down again.

“Get some help to get these guys over to the sofa,” the doctor said, and a nurse left the room.

Focusing in on me, the doctor smiled. “Sister?” My mouth opened, but not a damn thing came out.

Harmony started breathing heavily again. “The baby wants out! Now!” she yelled.

I pressed my lips together and shook my head. The doctor laughed. “Well, you are now. Stand over there and help her.”

It felt like I had just walked into a brick wall. What did he say? He can’t possible think I can…no. I don’t even know Harmony!

The nurse came in with two guys who helped to bring Preston and Finn over to the sofa. “Why…why aren’t they waking up?” I asked.

The nurse walked over to me and guided me back to Harmony’s side. “Sweetie, I know you just met her, but you’re all she has.”

All the air in the room vanished. “Rory?”

I quickly turned and looked at Harmony. Her hand was reached out to mine as the doctor said, “Get ready to push, Harmony.”

With a smile on my face, I took her hand and wiped her damp hair away from her forehead. My own forehead was covered in sweat as I took in a deep breath. Never in a million years would I have ever pictured myself helping a complete stranger during childbirth.

Squeezing her hand lightly, I helped her sit up as we looked into each other’s eyes. I saw the excitement, but also the fear: Her husband was passed out, and she was about to bring a baby into the world.

“You ready?” I asked.

She smiled and nodded her head as she said, “I’m going to kill him.”

I giggled and replied, “I’ll help you!”

“Harmony,” the doctor said, “one good push. On three.”

Holding her hand and rubbing her back, I softly whispered, “You’ve got this, Harmony. Your baby is almost here.”

Harmony grunted and pushed with everything she had. I wasn’t even aware of how hard she was squeezing my hand as I watched the doctor.

“There she is!” the doctor called out as Harmony and I both started crying. Harmony dropped back against the bed in exhaustion.

The doctor asked, “Are you cutting the cord?”

“What?” I asked in a panicked voice.

When I looked up, Preston was standing there, tears streaming down his face. He took the scissors and cut the cord as I covered my mouth and cried harder.
