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He’d woken up! Just in time.

I took a step back and watched everything play out. The nurse placed the baby directly onto Harmony’s chest, and the newborn instantly stopped crying and gazed up into her mother’s eyes. It was one of the most beautiful and amazing things I’d ever seen in my life.

“What’s her name, Mom and Dad?” the nurse asked.

With tears rolling down her cheeks, Harmony whispered…“Presley.”

I couldn’t take my eyes off them. Preston covered both Harmony and Presley in kisses and promised them both the moon and stars. My chest grew tight as I realized I wanted this. Maybe not right now…but I wanted it. The love between the three of them was so strong you could feel it in the room. A part of me was jealous to see the happiness that flowed around this tiny little family. It was a dream I always knew I wanted, but never imagined I’d want this much.

My eyes drifted over to the sofa, where I saw Finn crying while he watched the exchange. It took everything I had to stay standing. My chest felt heavy as a burning desire I’d never experienced before filled my entire body.

I needed air.

Quickly making my way out of the room, I rushed to the elevator and hit the button. With a peek over my shoulder, I sighed in relief when I didn’t see Finn. The doors opened and I practically ran in. The second the doors closed, I took in a long deep breath. My eyes closed, and the only thing I saw was Finn. His smile. The way his eyes seemed to go dark right before he kissed me. The feel of his hands on my body.

Too fast.

This was all happening too fast.

Chapter 19


She just left

It didn’t take me long to realize Rory had left the room. I quietly slipped out and headed to the waiting room, expecting her to be there. When my mother, sister, and father all got off the elevator, they made a beeline straight to me.

I smiled, and my mother instantly started crying.

“It’s a beautiful, healthy baby girl. They’re spending some time alone together. If you guys let the nurse know you’re here, I’m sure it won’t be long before you can pop in and see her and Harmony.”

Angela did a little jump and covered her mouth. My mother turned to my father and cried into his chest, and my dad looked up and mouthed the words…“Thank you.”

“Finn, have you seen her?”

I chuckled. “Yeah. Things moved a bit fast, and Rory and I were in the room when the baby started to crown.”

My mother sprung her head up and looked at me. “Rory? Where is she?”

I glanced around. “I’m not really sure. She snuck out of the room while Preston and Harmony were holding Presley.”

“Wait…you saw the baby being born? Gross!” Angela said, then made a gagging sound.

I felt my cheeks heat. “Well, I didn’t really see Presley being born. Preston kind of passed out and—”

“Passed out?” my mother and father said at once.

“Yeah. He saw the head and, bam, he was out. Then I went to help him up, and I saw the same thing. Even though I’ve delivered a few babies…it took me by surprise, and I was out.”

My father let out a roar of laughter. “Good Lord. I’ve raised pansy-ass boys.”

Rolling my eyes, I pulled out my phone and sent Rory a message.

Me: Hey, are you okay? Where are you?

It wasn’t two seconds later she replied.

Rory: I needed some fresh air and came outside.

Me: Are you out front? I’ll come get you.

Rory: That’s okay. I’m really tired, and I need to do some work. I’ll catch a taxi.

I widened my eyes at her reply, and my chest felt like someone was sitting on it.

Me: Is everything okay? I’m really sorry about what happened.

Rory: It’s fine. I just don’t think I can take any more big events tonight. Thank you for a beautiful day, though. I really enjoyed myself. In more ways than one. Tell Harmony and Preston congrats for me. Their daughter is beautiful.

I was stunned. What in the hell happened?

“Finn honey, is everything okay?”

I didn’t bother to even look at my mother when I said, “Rory’s heading home. She um…she’s leaving.”

Her hand on my arm felt warm. “I’m sure she was a bit overwhelmed if the two of you passed out and left her to fend for Harmony. Give her her space, sweetheart. That had to have been an overwhelming experience for her…and then to try and throw all of us on top of that? I don’t blame her for wanting some space.”

I knew my mother was right, but it didn’t feel right to just let her go. Holding my phone in my hand, I typed out my reply.

Me: I had a great day too. Please let me take you home. I’m on my way down.
