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“He asked about Preston’s baby.”


“I think he knows about Rory and me.”

Colton chuckled. “If he knew, he’d have cut your dick off. Trust me. He doesn’t know a damn thing.”

My stomach felt sick. Was this any way to start a relationship? With lies and hiding? I hadn’t heard from Rory since her last text to me four days ago, and it was driving me fucking crazy. I’d never dealt with these kinds of feelings. I needed to talk to someone before I went mad with wondering why she’d left and why I hadn’t heard from her.

Pulling my phone out, I sent Angela a text. If anyone could help me figure this shit out, it was my baby sister.

Chapter 20


Go with your gut

I watched as a cloud took on different shapes in a matter of seconds. A dog. A mouse. The letter M. My mind spun around in a million different directions. I hadn’t been this unfocused in a long time. The idea that I had walked out on Finn a week ago bothered me more than I thought it would.

I’d freaked out and acted on emotion. My first instinct had been to push Finn away, and I wasn’t sure why.

The knock on my office door pulled me from my thoughts. “Come in.”

Russell walked in with the file I’d asked to see. He had been out golfing with a few of the senior partners and a potential client they were hoping to land.

He dropped the file on my desk and then sat down. “I thought you looked at this information.”

“I did. But I want to make sure I look at it again. The other day when I was at the library, I was talking to the children’s librarian. On a hunch, I asked if Robert had ever volunteered there, and she said he had. Then she told me about a little boy who adored him. The mom became very obsessed with Robert. So much so he had to change the library he volunteered at.”

“Why didn’t Long tell us this?”

I shrugged. “Not sure, but it’s something we need to ask him.”

“His accuser doesn’t have kids, though.”

Flipping through the pages, I read over them quickly. I had no idea what I was looking for. “I know.”

“But yet you think there might be a connection?”

I glanced up at him. “I do.”

He nodded. “Then go with your gut.”

Smiling, I refocused on the paperwork in front of me. For once it felt like Russell had confidence in me.

“So why were you in at the children’s library?”

I said it without even thinking. “Finn was volunteer-reading there.”

My head snapped up and my eyes widened in horror when I realized what I had let slip.

“Finn Ward. The firefighter?”

Oh. Shit.

Act casual.


“Are you dating him?”

I let out a fake chuckle. “No. We ran into each other there.”

Lies. Oh my gosh how easily I spit that out! My mother would be so disappointed in me.

The way he was looking at me made me uncomfortable.

“Really? Huh.”

I wanted to ask what he meant by that, but decided the best thing to do would be to change the direction this conversation was headed.

“Back to what I was saying, I have a feeling there is a connection and I’d like to investigate it a bit more.”

He nodded. “We have Robert coming in next week to go over questions he’ll be asked on the stand.”

“Okay. I think I’ll pay him a visit before then and see if he remembers this lady.”

Russell stood up. “Perfect. Shall we meet later and discuss what he said?”

My heart stopped.


I had hoped to see him tonight, but I knew he was working, so there wouldn’t be a chance of us having dinner anyway. With a forced grin, I replied, “Sure. I’ll text you when I’m through and on my way back.”

“I have the perfect spot to meet. We can talk shop and grab a bite.”

Trying like hell not to roll my eyes, I lifted the corner of my mouth into a slight grin. Working long hours and having dinner with my coworkers wasn’t anything new for me. But we usually just grabbed takeout or had it delivered. Russell insisted on eating out all the time. It only wasted time, in my opinion. I made a mental note to discuss this with him tonight.

“I’ll let you know when I’ve finished talking to Robert.”

He shot me a smile and then a wink before heading out of my office and shutting the door behind him. I couldn’t help but feel a bit stunned. He didn’t even offer to go with me to talk to Robert. It wasn’t like him to let me take on something on my own.

I slowly sat down. He thinks I’m wasting my time. That bastard. Go with your gut. Hah! He’s amusing me is all.

Narrowing me eyes, I glared at my door. Yeah, he didn’t offer to go because he doesn’t think I’ll get anything out of Robert. With a shake of my head, I looked through the file and found Robert’s phone number.
