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Turning, I quickly headed to the elevator. I hit the down button and waited impatiently for it to arrive. Once it reached the lobby floor, I took off toward the front door. My heart sank when I saw a taxi driving off.

“Rory,” I whispered as I watched the brake lights fade into the distance. Suddenly my phone buzzed in my hand.

Rory: Please stay and enjoy your new baby niece. Good night, Finn.

I’d never in my life been so disappointed to see a date end.

“Finn? Earth to Finn?”

The pillow hit me square in the face, pulling me out of my daydream. “What?”

“Jesus, dude, what in the hell are you thinking about?”


“Nothing. I guess maybe Preston and Harmony. Wondering how they’re doing.”

Zeb pulled his head back in surprise, but didn’t say anything.

“Ward, get your ass in here!”

My heart jumped to my throat—Captain Adams was calling me into his office.

As I walked that way, I glanced over to Colton. He shook his head, and I shrugged my shoulders. The only people who knew about me and Rory were Colton and my family. And I knew none of them would have uttered a word.

Walking into his office, I plastered on a smile.

“Take a seat, son.”


I did as he asked and sat. “How is the training of Flash going?”

My eyes narrowed, and I could tell he was trying to keep his smile hidden. “He’s doing great.”

“Good. I heard you had some trouble in the beginning.”

“Is that so?”

He leaned back and made a steeple with his fingers while nodding. “John Penley said Flash got a little too excited in your place.”

“Nothing I couldn’t handle, sir.”

He studied me with an intense stare. Does he know? Shit.

“Is that all you needed, sir? To find out about Flash?”

He dropped his hands and drew in closer. “Why do you think I had you bring Flash home, Ward?”

Clenching my jaw tight, I looked directly into his eyes. “I’m not sure, Captain Adams.”

“I worked alongside your father. Mike Ward was a good guy. Loved his wife and his family. I remember seeing you and your brothers running around the firehouse from time to time. You even met my daughter Rory once when she was around five.”

My heart dropped, and I was positive he saw the way I reacted.

“Really?” I casually replied.

“You see, I value family, Ward. I think it is one of the most important things in a man’s life.”

I swallowed hard. “As do I, sir.”

“I heard your younger brother, Preston, and his wife just had a baby.”

With a nod, I answered, “Yes, sir. A baby girl named Presley.” Pulling out my phone, I pulled up the picture of her. Turning it to him, I smiled. “Most beautiful girl in the world next to my ma and sister.”

He looked at the photo, then shot his eyes up to mine. He seemed a little stunned, but soon wore a smile as he looked back at my phone.

“She is indeed a beautiful little thing. I don’t get to see your father much anymore. Hell, I don’t remember the last time I saw him. Will you let him know I send my congratulations? Tell him to stop by our old stomping grounds once in a while if he can.”

Is that the reason he called me in here? Preston’s daughter?

“Um…yes, sir, I’ll pass that along to him.”

“Sounds good, Ward. Thank you.”

I stood and took him in as he looked down and read something on his desk. Turning, I headed to the door.


Glancing back at him, I asked, “Yes, sir?”

“Do you know why I had you take Flash home?”

I shook my head. “Not really, sir.”

“Rumor has it you think I don’t like you.”

Lifting my brow, I asked, “Is the rumor true?”

He smiled as he stared into my eyes. “Flash has a vet appointment next week I need to take him to.”

That bastard. He was going to just leave me hanging. “No worries on that, sir. I’ve already got it planned to take him. I’m off that day.”

His brow lifted. “You’ll take him?”

“Yes, sir.”

I pulled the door open and went to walk out. “You’re not even the least bit curious what my answer to your question is?”

“I’m here to do a job, sir. There isn’t a man here I wouldn’t risk my own life for, and that includes you, Captain. As long as I’m doing the job you need me to do, it doesn’t really matter if you like me or not.”

He laughed and shook his head. “Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

I had no idea what he meant, and I didn’t care. I wasn’t in the mood to play games with the man who could possibly destroy my future, in more than one way.

I left his office, shut the door, and headed outside.

The second the fall air hit me, I drew in a deep breath.

“What did he want?” Colton asked.
