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I lifted my brows. “?‘Number two’?”

He shot me a dirty look, then a shocked one. “Hey, she stopped crying.”

With a wide, confident grin, I responded, “I know. I tucked her close to me and she instantly settled.”

Finn returned my smile. “You’re a natural, Éan.”

Presley picked that minute to start crying again.

“Dang it! Let’s put her on the changing table,” I said as I carefully laid her on it. I took off her little one-piece pink pajamas and stared at the diaper.

“You just pull the tabs, Rory. Pull ’em!”

I shot him a death stare. “I’ll pull them when I’m ready. Give me a second. I need to mentally prepare myself for this.”

He held up his hands in surrender. “This is your deal. I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

“Thank you!” I replied sharply.

My hands were shaking and my heartbeat was racing.

I took a deep breath and pulled both tabs, shifting the front of the diaper away from Presley.

Oh. Mother. Of. God.

“It’s green! Why is it green, Finn?”

When he didn’t answer, I turned to him. His face was about the same color as the baby’s poop.

“Finn! Snap out of it. I need help!”

He covered his mouth and handed me the box of wipes.

Rolling my eyes, I focused back on the diaper and nasty green contents. At least Presley had stopped crying. Taking the diaper, I wiped her down to get most of the poop off.

“Disgusting! Oh God!” Finn leaned over and started gagging. It took everything for me not to gag. Lifting Presley’s legs, I got the diaper out and handed it to Finn.

“Take this! Quick”

His face dropped. “W-what? I don’t know what to do with it!”

“Finn! Please! The trash can!”

I looked away and held my breath.

“Drop it!”

Turning, I laughed when I saw the garbage can in his hands. When he dropped the dirty diaper, I took some wipes and started to clean up Presley. Finn gagged each time he saw the green-poop-covered wipe.

“Stop gagging—you’re making me gag!” I yelled, in between gags. My stomach was not feeling right, and I had to fight hard at not throwing up.

I looked at Presley, and our blues met. When she smiled, my heart melted on the spot. The feeling of sickness instantly dissipated. Leaning closer to her, I did my best impression of baby talk.

“Did you go potty-wotty in your diaper? Did you make a stinky? Yes you did! How does a pretty little thing make such a stinky-winky poop!”

“What. Are. You. Doing?”

Glancing over my shoulder, I stared at Finn. “I’m talking to her. She likes it! She’s smiling at me.”

“She’s smiling because that nasty shit is off her.”

I frowned and went back to cleaning her up and baby-talking. I placed the new diaper under her and stared down at it.

“Does she need powder or cream or something?”

Finn walked over and looked down. Presley decided to laugh right then, and before I knew it, Finn was talking baby talk to her too.

“What, my precious little angel. Are you feeling all better-wetter? Is da princess all fresh and cwean? Is that a smile from my number one girl? Yes it is! Look at that pretty smile.”

And my ovaries just exploded.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and went back to my task. “How tight do I put the tabs?”

When he didn’t answer me, I turned to him. He was totally mesmerized by Presley.

“When we have babies, I hope they get your blue eyes.”

My heart dropped and my body completely froze.

Tears built in my eyes as his words settled in my heart. I swallowed hard, not knowing what to say. I wanted to tell him everything. Tell him I wanted him to stop being a firefighter. Tell him I wanted to live the rest of my life with him and give him as many children as he wanted.

Instead. I pushed the heartache away. “Um, how…how tight should I make it?”

He reached over and looked at the diaper. “I wouldn’t make it too tight. Kind of like how you do with Flash’s collar.”

“What? You do realize you just compared a diaper to a collar.”

He had a point, though.

“Yeah. Here, move over. Let me do it.”

I stepped to the side to let him take care of it. My emotions were all over the place as I took in a few deep breaths.

Finn had mentioned kids.

Kids with me.

Our kids.

My father’s deadline loomed in the air, making it hard for me to breathe.

“There! Let’s put new clean pj’s back on you, shall we, princess?”

I attempted to keep my chin from trembling.

I wanted a future with this man. A family. A life full of memories. But I was too afraid to tell him the truth. Too afraid he would walk away from his dream because of my father’s hate.

Turning, I walked to the window and gazed at the moonlight peeking through the tree branches. The light barely lit up the colored leaves that adorned the front yard.
