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“Hey, are you okay?”

I prayed for strength. Forcing a smile, I spun around and looked at Finn and Presley.

“Never better. How do we get her to go back to sleep?”

Finn’s eyes drifted to my chest.

“Uh, I don’t know how to tell you this…but…you’ve got shit all over your shirt.”

My eyes snapped down to my shirt. “What? How?”

When I looked up, Finn was frowning. “That’s nasty.”

Flash barked, causing me to jump and Presley to start laughing.

“I think you packed another of my T-shirts in the bag. I’ll go grab it.”

“Well, just be here in the room. Dancing. I’m guessing that’s what princesses do when they’re tired.”


There went another piece of my heart. Straight into his clutches. “I’ll be right back,” I said as I motioned for Flash to come with me.

After grabbing a clean shirt, I headed back upstairs. Walking into the room, I came to a stop. The sight before me was the most precious thing I’d ever seen. Finn was in the rocking chair with his eyes closed humming a tune from Beauty and the Beast. I leaned against the doorjamb and took it in. There was no way I was going to be able to survive without him. How I was going to be able to walk away from him was beyond me.

Finn opened his eyes and smiled when he saw me. Returning the gesture, I lifted my brows and whispered, “Now what?”

He slowly stood. “Now we get her in the crib and muzzle Flash.”

I giggled and walked over to the crib. I made sure the sheets were clean before Finn laid Presley down.

We both slowly took a few steps back. Finn reached for my hand and led me out of the room. My heart ached in my chest as I thought about what he had said earlier about our kids. I’d never really known what people meant when they said their heart was broken. I sure knew now, because mine was breaking more and more with every minute that passed.

Chapter 44


Don’t let go

Once we got back downstairs Finn and I cleaned up the small mess we’d made when we tried to do the deed on the floor. We settled back onto the sofa, and it wasn’t long before I drifted off to sleep. It felt like it had only been seconds when I heard Finn speak.

“What are you guys doing back so soon? I figured you’d be out late.”

I quickly sat up and stretched. Finn glanced at me and grinned from ear to ear before giving me a kiss on the lips.

“Hey, princess.”

“Hey,” I responded in a sleepy voice.

Harmony placed her purse and keys on the side table in the front hall. “Preston had a bit of an…accident at the club we went to. We weren’t even there ten minutes.”

Finn laughed. “Hold on….Let me get the popcorn.”

He reached over to the coffee table and grabbed the bowl of popcorn and shoved some in his mouth. Preston shot him a dirty look that quickly turned into a dumbfounded look.

“Did you have a black eye earlier?” Preston asked while leaning in closer to take a look at Finn’s eye.

Harmony quickly moved to Finn and stared at him, moving his head around by his chin. It reminded me of something my mother would do.

“What happened?” she asked me.

With a chuckle, I held up my hands and declared, “It wasn’t me! He tripped and hit the coffee table.”

“What? How?” Harmony asked.

“I’m fine. I don’t need Nurse Harmony checking me out. We all know you just want an excuse to touch me.”

Harmony huffed while placing her hands on her hips. “Yeah, that’s it, Finn.”

Waving his hand, Finn said, “Get back to what happened with Preston.”

With a long-drawn-out groan, Preston turned around. I gasped and covered my mouth, smothering my laugh.

Finn wasn’t as successful, and totally lost it. “What in the hell happened?”

“I attempted a lift.”

My brows furrowed, as did Finn’s. “Huh?” we both asked at once.

Harmony tried like hell not to smile.

Preston sighed. “I tried to reach down and pick up Harmony and then do a cool dance move or something, and when I bent over too much…my pants split open.”

“How is that even possible? Was she lying on the floor?” Finn asked.

Harmony busted out laughing.

“You’ve never had your pants split open?” Preston asked.

Finn shook his head and laughed again. “No, I can’t say I have. You should probably start running again, bro, if you’re splitting your pants trying to dance.”

Preston shot Finn a dirty look. “Fuck you, Finn. I’m going to bed. Good night, Rory.”

I tried desperately not to laugh as I forced out a “Good night, Preston.”

Turning back to Harmony, I giggled. “Oh, my that must have been interesting.”

She slowly shook her head. “You have no idea. How’s my baby?”

Harmony kicked off her heels and let her hair down. It fell along her shoulders, and I couldn’t help but notice the glow on her cheeks. She had needed this night out with her husband, and I was glad I had suggested it.
