Page 25 of One More Chance

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Eleanor: Sienna, I’m serious. I am so excited that you’re finally doing something for yourself. Let’s not mar it with cancer talk

Eleanor: Honestly, I’m sick of talking about myself and how I’m feeling. I’d much rather hear about what exciting things you’re going to do on this trip with your friend

Sienna: If we’re being honest, he’s more than a friend. Always was, and after last night...

Eleanor: You have no idea how happy I am for you! Now go and have a wonderful trip and I’m expecting you to send pictures since I’m living vicariously through you!

Eleanor: Now go and enjoy the trip and we’ll talk soon

Sienna stared hard at her phone for several minutes before putting it away and turning her gaze out the window. It was a beautiful day and she knew how fortunate she was and it made her feel guilty. Here she was leaving for an adventure with a sexy and wonderful man, while her friend’s health was declining.

“Are you okay?” he whispered from beside her.

“Hmm?” Turning, she realized she’d never even heard him approach.

“You’re staring out the window with a rather intense look on your face,” he said, taking her hand in his and gently caressing her wrist.

She was starting to love when he did that.

And not just her wrist, just touching her in general.

He did it a lot, and it made her realize just how much she never enjoyed it before with anyone else.

Only him.

Maybe spending the next two weeks together wasn’t a great idea. What if she got too attached? What if she enjoyed herself too much? What if... what if...

What if she fell in love?

Fell? Oh, sweetie, you’ve been in love with him since you were fifteen. You’ve already fallen...

Sienna hated it when her inner self spoke so bluntly.

“Sorry,” she finally said. “I was just texting with Eleanor, and...”

Nodding, he squeezed her hand. “How is she?”

Sighing, she looked at him sadly. “In typical fashion, she didn’t want to talk about it. She was just excited that I was doing something new and exciting. I feel guilty.”

“Sienna, there’s nothing to feel guilty about. If you didn’t go on this trip, it wouldn’t change anything for her. From everything you’ve told me, she doesn’t seem the type who would want you sitting there with her watching her health deteriorate.”

“I know, I know...” It was a slippery slope here and she was on the verge of tears and knew she needed to get them back on a cheerier topic. “I was actually going to look at your email when I saw her text.”

Pulling back, he smiled. “Check it out and tell me what you think.”

It was the perfect distraction.

Reading over the entire thing, it took her a moment to realize what exactly she was seeing. “Um...Mick?”


“How on earth were you able to pull off this travel itinerary so quickly?”

The wicked grin he gave her told her he was a man of many talents.

And he had a lot of connections.

“Travel itineraries are a specialty of mine. Back when I was just getting started in the music industry, I booked everything myself. I didn’t have an assistant, let alone the team of assistants I have now. It was all on me. Even now, there are times when I handle it all myself, because I know exactly what I want and don’t trust anyone to do it.”
