Page 32 of One More Chance

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She eyed him suspiciously. “Is there anything you don’t think of?”

“After doing this for so many years? No. I’ve learned to think of everything and it’s exhausting.” He was only teasing, but he liked the way her expression softened as she leaned in and kissed him again.

“Poor baby,” she cooed before relaxing back in her seat.

It was on the tip of his tongue to tease her right back, but his phone rang and he saw Riley’s name on the screen and sighed. Part of him wanted to ignore it, but... Riley was too good a friend.

“You can take the call, Mick,” Sienna said. “I don’t expect you to ignore everything and everyone for me.”

That was a refreshing statement. Any other woman he’d ever dated got annoyed when he took calls while they were out. But Sienna just seemed to understand.

Reaching for her hand, he kissed it before answering the phone. “Riley! What’s up?”


It took a lot to make Sienna get emotional, and apparently cresting over the Grand Canyon in a helicopter was something that did it to her.

Never had she seen anything so beautiful; so majestic. It was all so much more than she could have imagined and she couldn’t believe the way unshed tears were stinging her eyes. She and Mick were actually sitting up front in the helicopter next to the pilot and the view was beyond spectacular. Taking off had been a little rough because she’d never ridden in a helicopter before and had no clue that they sort of drop the nose so you feel like you’re going to kiss the pavement before going straight up in the air.

She only screamed for a moment, and it was too loud for the other passengers to hear.

But Mick heard and he had reached over and held her hand for the rest of the trip.

They were landing in the canyon and she couldn’t wait to climb out and look around. Mick helped her down and they stood and listened to the instructions from their pilot.

“We have a tent set up over to your right where lunch is served. You don’t have to eat right now, but we only have an hour here, so be sure you leave yourselves enough time to take in the sights and get your pictures and enjoy your lunch. Have fun!”

There were two other couples with them and one went to the tent while the other walked away to look around. Turning to Mick, she asked, “So? Which should we do first? Eat or explore?”

“I say we explore for a few minutes, then eat, and then explore again until it’s time to go. What do you say?”

“That sounds perfect!” Together they walked around and Sienna must have snapped about a hundred pictures before he reminded her they needed to eat. In the tent, they enjoyed turkey clubs with pasta salad on the side and a fruit cup and glasses of champagne. She normally wasn’t much of a drinker however she could tell it wasn’t great champagne.

“I promise to order us the good stuff tonight with dinner,” Mick promised.

When they were done eating, he took pictures of her and she took pictures of him and they even got the pilot to take a few of the two of them together before it was time to go. Before she climbed into the helicopter, she took one last look around and knew she’d never forget this. Every picture she’d ever seen of the Grand Canyon simply didn’t do it justice. Once they were seated and buckled in, she looked over at Mick. “Thank you.”

He grinned at her. “For what?”

“I didn’t expect this to be I was looking at it from a practical angle—like this was one of those places you should see because it’s one of the seven wonders of the world. I had no idea how much it would affect me.” Her hand was over her heart and she felt tears sting her eyes again. “If this was the last place we visited, I’d still feel like the luckiest girl in the world.” Leaning forward, she kissed him. “So...thank you.”

After that, it was too loud for them to talk. They all had their headsets on and the pilot talked them through the flight back to Vegas about everything they were seeing. He flew them over the Strip on his way to the airport, and Sienna was in awe of all the massive hotels and couldn’t wait for them to get to theirs.

Once they landed, they went into the small terminal and got their commemorative photos of the trip and found a limo waiting for them out front. When she looked over at Mick, he simply shrugged.

“You’re creating a monster,” she told him. “I spoil easily.”

He kissed her cheek before she climbed in. “Somehow I doubt that. If anything, you don’t get spoiled enough. Indulge me.”

“Isn’t that what I’ve been doing all this time?”

Chuckling, he climbed in beside her. “All this time? It’s only been two days!”

It seemed like so much longer because they had done more in these last few days than she’d done in the last few years. “You know what I’m saying...”

“Look, if it makes you feel any better, I didn’t book the penthouse suite at the hotel, so we’ll just be like regular people.”

She gave him a hard side-eye glare. “Regular people like you or regular people like me?”

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