Page 92 of One More Chance

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“Michael,” he corrected with a lopsided grin. “Come sit down.”

She felt ridiculous in her robe, with her hair up in a towel and no makeup on. “What’s all this?”

“This... is dinner.” He lifted the lid over her plate and uncovered grilled salmon, roasted baby potatoes, and broccolini—one of her favorite dishes. “We’ve got freshly baked bread and a nice field greens salad, plus some white wine.” Taking his seat across from her, he grinned as he took the lid off of his own plate.

“How did you do this? I know for a fact this hotel doesn’t have food like this on the menu. When you said room service, I just thought you meant burgers.”

With a serene smile, he poured them each a glass of wine. “I made some calls. Shaughnessy has played in Raleigh multiple times and there were several caterers we used for those shows. I asked if they also did small romantic dinners and it turns out they do.”

“What in the world...?”

“You got your way on the hotel, but there was no way I was going to have us sit down to sub-par burgers and cold fries.” He pointed to her plate. “You’re going to love the potatoes. They’re fantastic.”

After one bite, she had to agree. “So... is this how things are going to be? You’re going to make calls and spoil me rotten?”

“For the rest of your life,” he said solemnly. “Because you, my sweet Sienna, deserve to be spoiled.”

“You could be creating a monster,” she teased. “You’ve been warned.”

“That’s okay, but I was hoping to create something a little different.”

“Oh?” She took a bite of the salmon and almost moaned at how good it was.

“A family,” he said quietly, and Sienna felt like her heart simply stop.

“You want...?”

He nodded. “I really do. I know we haven’t talked about it, and I’ll totally understand if you don’t want to, but...”

Shaking her head, she put her fork down and reached for him. “I... I don’t even know if it’s possible. Obviously, we’re getting started a little late. I know it’s harder to get pregnant at my age, but...”

“That’s okay,” he said, squeezing her hand. “We can adopt or look into a surrogate or foster kids... whatever road we have to take, I want a family with you. I just thought we should open that dialogue.” Then he gave her a lopsided grin. “I was going to wait until we got back to the West Coast and settled in before bringing it up, but...I couldn’t wait.”

It was more than she ever thought she’d have. She remembered how she’d felt that night at dinner with her brother and sister-in-law. “I want what my brother has,” she said. “Any chance we can have that right now?”

Laughing, he released her hand and gave her a sexy grin. “Sweetheart, we can practice as much as you want and make appointments to see whatever doctors we need to.”

Just the thought of it was a little intimidating, but she knew he was being practical and would make sure she had the best care and would make appointments with the top fertility doctors in the country.

No doubt he’d already researched who they were.

“I don’t even know what to say. I’m...I’m a little overwhelmed. Every time I think I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone or dreamed as big as I could dream, you prove me wrong.” Then she smiled at him and she felt the familiar sting of tears. “I’m telling you, I have never been as emotional as I have these last few months!”

The smile he gave her was patient and full of love, just like it always was.

“I love you, and all I want is for you to be happy.”

“I am. You have to know that. My life was kind of boring and uneventful before you came back into it, but I’m so glad you did.”

“Me too.”

“So...we’re going to do this? We’re going to start a family?”

She nodded eagerly. “Definitely!”

“Good,” he replied, but his expression turned serious. “But... I have one request.”

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