Page 62 of Lawsuit and Leather

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“I’m ok, now.” I confessed, “But it has been a long and draining day.”

“I understand. And Claire?” He asked, motioning to the stool by the kitchen as he walked to the fridge.

“She’s better now. It was one of her… cloudy days.” I muttered. Parker handed me a soda, popping its tab with a quick fizzy snap. He opened one for himself, taking a long sip.

“Do you know what happened?” He asked quietly, fully aware of Claire’s patterns, “A trigger?” He leaned closer, resting his body against the counter, the vein of his bicep appeared lost in the sleeve of an old, faded Columbia shirt.

I took another sip. The burn of carbonation was a unique sensation that challenged the exhaustion I felt. “It was simple, she stopped taking her pills.” I sarcastically rolled my eyes, as if the whole thing was a minor mistake, though it was a huge ordeal. “Charles was kind enough to pick up the refill, amongst other errands.” I blurted out, not even realizing what I admitted.

“Charles?” Parker asked, his eyebrow arched at the name. I toyed with the open tab of my drink, flicking it with my finger.

“Alejandro’s driver.”

“He helped too then?” Parker asked, his emotions stilled.

“Feels weird admitting, but yes.” I said.

“It shouldn’t,” he stretched his thick neck, his Adam’s apple bobbed with the swallow of soda. He almost sighed, “I know what it’s like to hide a truth, so I can relate. I respect you enough to control the things I struggle with, such as not knowing more about your past. I ask questions because I’m desperate to know, but I’d never push you to answer, or at least, I hope I never do.”

“You don’t.” I comforted.

“Good, because believe me, Gemma, honesty is not only welcomed, it’s admired. I know what it’s like, even if you don't think I do.” I felt unsure of what he truly meant, if he was alluding to the details of a lawsuit he couldn’t talk about, or something different, something from the boy turned man that held my heart. This was his effect but maybe Alejandro’s was different, a way to encourage a future where I’d no longer need to hide. Maybe I could speak some truth, be the good girl Alejandro wanted me to be.

“Alejandro was actually why things got better today. He caught Claire off guard, made her manic again, which was better than the reverse…” Parker took a sip, unable to respond as the last words fell out of my mouth. The slightest wince subtly appeared, concealed in a pain he hid in his eyes. He wanted to do that for me, but I somehow denied that from him.

He cleared his throat.

“And does that make you happy?” He asked, genuinely curious. I suppose it did. I thought of what made me calm, what put me at ease, and whether it was a lie or not. I knew the moments we shared—the fantasy of Parker and me as a couple—was what made me happy; it was the fantasy I protected, as much as he protected me.

“You make me happy.” I replied, watching as he stopped chewing the inside of his cheek, and grinned.

“You make me happy too, and I’m happiest when you’re safe. I’ll see to it that this doesn’t happen again. You won’t need to go back to that house, not for an emergency, not for anything.” He sipped his soda, his words confidently sure that he could make it happen.

“Don’t be silly, Parker.” I laughed, not at him, but at the relief such an idea already brought.

“You doubt me, Butterfly?” His throaty voice challenged me. “I never break a promise, especially with your safety. I made it before, and I intend to keep it, no matter what, even from…” He stopped, lost in his own words, sucking in his lip. He squeezed the can in his hand, playing with anything that could fill the void of silence.

“Parker?” I asked, “From what?” I searched his eyes, hoping to find the answer he wished to say.

“Just…” he smirked as if realizing some mistake. I opened my mouth to ask again but stopped as his phone buzzed loudly against the counter. It sat there, illuminated like a slim brick with Camilla’s name displayed on its front. She was calling, and we both just watched as it vibrated with a ring. Parker finally reached out, silencing the call.

“Aren’t you going to answer that?” I scrunched my face, speaking quietly as if she could hear me.

He shook his head. “No, not tonight. I took off work to be here with you. Let’s just hang out like old times. Maybe movie and a pizza?” He shrugged, “We can do anything you want.” I nodded, concealing my unabashed smile.

“Pizza from Joe’s?”

“Extra large,” he confirmed, two words that reminded me of him and that night I took a bath. The muscles in my stomach tensed at the memory, as he dialed to place our order.

“I’ll get changed!” I exclaimed, eager to get comfortable. I made my way back down the hall and into my room, shutting the door. It was easy to be excited, finally having a moment to be alone with Parker, though I found it odd how he promised to keep me safe, especially with his unfinished thought. Was this another trait of his, a big brother looking out for his little sister? Our history said yes, but his conviction was confusing. To ignore a call from Camilla without thought, just to spend a night with me. What did that mean, and what did that look like to anyone on the outside? I slipped off my shirt, tossing it across the room as I went into the closet.

Quickly, I pulled over a loose crop top, pinning my hair into a small bun. I was wise enough not to get too excited, because I always had a habit of getting carried away. My imagination had always been colorful, leading me into expectations of how a night could go. An ignored call, a lingering stare, and a breathtaking hug. How could I not get excited? At minimum, my sad fantasy was still being fulfilled, and wasn’t that what I wanted? I was unsure of what to wear, pulling out two silky shorts from my drawer: pink or red. I bit my lip, slipping down my pants, kicking them off my feet. I hitched up my panties, asking out loud to myself, “Which one should I wear?”

“I prefer black.” A deep, haunting voice whispered from behind, startling me.

“Parker?” I gasped, spinning around, my lips rushed with the pressure of a strong hand. I attempted to scream, but instead was lost in the glare of a godly ghost.


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