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“That’s my good girl,” he whispered, “my goodfuckinggirl.”



Gemma, my addicting, innocent Gemma sat below me, amazement etched on her face as she looked between my expanding abs and the glistening, beautiful mess we created.

Taking my time, I pushed deeper inside her, sitting in her heat, baptized with a reward that caused her to shield her eyes.

“God, I’m so embarrassed,” she stuttered, attempting to rise up. I shoved her back down, excited and aroused by the burn of her red cheeks and even redder, swollen lips.

“You don’t need to be embarrassed.” I said, my cock still rooted in her wet pussy. My condom ballooned inside from how hard she made me come, and I didn’t want to move, I only wanted to worship the smell of sex that perfumed our bodies. “Does it make you shy that you spilled yourself all over me? That I’m drenched in your cum?” I reached for her hand, pulling it towards my abs. I wanted the tips of her fingers to slide along the slickness her pussy caused along my pelvis.

“Yes, I think so.” She grinned, biting the tip of her own finger. “I mean, I made a mess.” She was genuinely concerned, innocently worried how I’d react. Didn’t she realize how perfect she was, from the dip of her dimpled cheek to her wet auburn hair that fell across her chest?

“Maybe I like it.” I confessed, savoring the sound of our damp silk bodies. “Maybe I like everything about you, every expression, every reaction, every fucking moan. Nothing from you is exempt from praise, nothing from you will ever go unappreciated. But shyness, Gemma, you know I can’t tolerate that.” I lifted her leg over my shoulder, her cunt wrapping tighter around my cock. She winced, adjusting to the new pressure.

“That’s not a new rule, is it?”

My jaw bristled against her inner thighs as I licked the wetness at her calf, the very cum that had just jutted out from her body and onto my sheets.

“Not a new rule, but a lesson, and perhaps the most important one of all,” I answered. “That one: there’s nothing about you that you need to hide. You’re perfect. Always were, always will be. And two: I won’t ever allow you to hold back. When I tell you to come, Gemma, I fucking mean it.” Slowly, I pulled myself out, rubbing my tip along the slippery rim of her pussy’s snug grip.

“You were so deep,” she swallowed. “Did you come?”

“Harder than ever before,” I drew the condom off slowly. “If only I could’ve fucked you bare, then you’d really be leaking.”

“Don’t tempt me. I might just risk it all for you.”

Risk it all for me? I almost bored my cock right back into her, tempted by the rotation of her hips and the awed crease of her brow. I was so fucking addicted, stuck on her erotic sighs, the goddamn tease drove me a new kind of crazy.

“I can’t let you cool down just yet.” I paused in contemplation, enamored by the pale glow of Gemma’s toned stomach and breasts. Everything about her shimmered, her curvatures drawn by stark black shadows, begging to be covered, and stained. I placed my hand over her pelvis, stopping her from moving out of the perfect place I needed her to be. “You think you’ve made a mess, but you don’t know a fucking mess until I show you.”

I twisted my wrist over her body. One drop. Two drops. I poured myself out of the condom and onto her stomach, drizzling the entirety of my orgasm until it spilled over her hips and onto the bed.

“Fuck, it’s so hot,” she said excitedly, reaching down, toying with the pool of white semen that sat above her navel. “And so… slick,” she added, propping herself on her elbows.

“Now we’re both filthy. There’s no need to feel ashamed for expressing how you feel, and how you feel is fucking incredible. We’re meant for each other in every way, just as it should be. That is…” I paused, smearing cum I just spilt up to her nipple, pinching it with my thumb. “Once I fuck you again, and make you come like the perfect girl you are.”

“Alejandro,” she gasped.

Gemma felt weightless as she guffawed into a screech, helpless and enthused as I flipped her over onto her stomach.

“You like that? Being forced to come?” My cock slid up between her ass, jacking me off, my tip still leaking onto her bare back. She moaned as I reached towards the nightstand, pulling out a condom from the drawer, ripping it open.

“Yes!” she cried. “I don’t want to hold back anymore.”

“You won’t have a choice.” I hummed in her ear, taking pleasure in the scent of her fresh skin, her perfume lost from the shower and sweat. “I want you on your knees, soaking my cock like your little cunt was made for it.”

She fisted the sheets, pushing her ass back like a heart-shaped saddle for me to mount. “Just fill me up. I promise it’s all I need. You’ll hit that spot, the one I’m still feeling.” Her leg shook, her cheek pressed into the pillow as she looked in my direction.

“Fill you up?” I rolled the condom over my cock. “You mean like this?” I thumbed open her folds, spreading her wide, her pussy puckering with a contraction I needed to feel. Slowly, I plunged my tip inside her, taking rigorous mental notes of what I saw and of what I wanted to remember forever. It was the sound; the tender and wet friction of latex and flesh; like the drip and suckle of a freshly bit peach. It was as if she sucked me in, her wildinhalepulled my cock further and deeper.

“Just like that,” she whimpered, aching.

“You holding your breath, baby?” I noticed, her toes curling as I pulled out slowly, only to thrust in again, her pussy smacked like a Blow Pop.

“I can’t help it,” she exhaled.
