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“I’m not.”

“Well, you will be.”

“Tom,” I sighed, grabbing him by the shoulders, fighting the urge to shake him. “I promise I won’t be, but come on…”

Tommy cringed before whispering, spitting out his secret like a pile of sunflower seeds. “I want to ask Gemma out!”

God kill me now.

I didn’t respond to Tommy’s antagonizing statement. I only squeezed his shoulders to keep from falling down. I wasn’t a religious man, but I was willing to pray to make this stop.

“Gemma?” I let out, redirecting my focus back to the stairs, taking my first step up. As much as I wanted to throw Tommy out the door, I trained myself back to my goal. I had to get to Gemma, and what difference did it make that Tommy liked her, too? Everyone did, and everyone should, and as unpleasant as it was to hear, I couldn’t fault my own friend for wanting my opinion.

“You guys are so close! I want what you and Camilla have.”

“Trust me, you don’t,” I said, climbing the steps.

“Yes! I do. And Gemma is amazing. I think she likes me; she was totally shy while dancing tonight.”

“Dancing isn’t her thing.”

“Well, that’s why I’m asking you. What can I do?”

Besides nothing?I thought, feeling on edge as I reached the top of the second floor, unable to even entertain the idea of coaching Tommy on how to ask Gemma out.

“Just… be yourself?” I settled, doing the best I could. Tommy seemed bored by that.

“That can’t be enough. Wouldn’t she like a grand gesture?”

Fuck. Gemma’s door was now closed, the light below her frame snapping into darkness before my eyes. She literally ran away from me, as I peered over Tommy’s shoulders.

“Don’t get a boombox and hoist it over your shoulders,” I begged.

“Oh… that’s not a bad idea.”

“It is.”

“Well, a song would be nice. Does she like the guitar?”

“You don’t even play.” I scolded, lost in where this was even headed, before doubling down on the idea to get him out of my way. “Ok. Fine,” I submitted. “It’s not a bad idea, but you’ll need help. Dad has one in his study, and if you ask nicely, he may let you play it.”

“You think?” he asked hopefully, his beer-ladened optimism something I wish I could inherent.

“Yes. But bring him a drink. I’m sure he’s in the office now, and maybe you can still catch him before bed.”

Tommy didn’t even thank me, essentially pushing me off to the side as he rushed downstairs, making his way to bother Dad. I didn’t mind whatever plans he had, far too focused on shaking the nerves out of my hands as I finally made my way down to the darkest part of the hall, reaching Gemma’s door.

I listened closely, not quite putting my ear against the wall, but hesitantly waiting for any signs of her on the other end. To be honest, I was really afraid of knocking, of hearing her disappointment again. Did she even like me anymore?

“Gem?” I whispered, my forehead leaning on the door.

It remained quiet.

I reached to knock but not before I heard her faint voice.

“Sorry, Park…” she said from far away.

I could tell she was already in bed by the distance alone.
