Page 19 of All Roads Lead Home

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That was not the answer he was looking for, but he let it and me go, and I was able to get a proper breath.

“Who’s the kid?” Clark asked.

My brows furrowed at his tone.

“He’s mine,” I bit out, not liking how he was addressing Lucas when moments ago he was a sweetheart.

“He’s not,” he stated.

My hand itched to slap Clark Carson, but doing so could get me a felony charge, and I could not get one of those.

“You looked me up?” I seethed.

His eyes looked guilty. “I’m just making sure you’re safe, Ori.”

My fist balled.

“I’m contemplating a felony, Clark.” I spat his name like it was poison, and that made him smirk.

“Come on now, babe. What happened to all the adoration with which you revered my name?”

He hadnotjust brought up my crush on him as if he didn’t know how mortifying it had been when he rejected me.

“Felony it is,” I mumbled before I threw myself at him with the intention of hitting him.


It wassafe to say I had lost my damn mind. I was embarrassed and tired, and a part of me was scared. Sure, Clark was making me feel things I did not expect to feel. Not to toot my own horn, but having a P.O.S. dad was like a guideline on what I did not want in a guy. And the more I observed Clark, the more I realized that he was nothing like my father, and the way he spoke to Lucas was sweet.

Even now, in my twenties, I could agree with my teenage self. Clark had always been sweet.

All my senses were on overload, and that was what I was blaming for the fact that I decided to go allKung Fu Pandaon a cop—detective, my bad. Semantics aside, not my brightest moment.

“Oriana,” Clark barked, but it wasn’t malicious. I could detect amusement in his tone, which infuriated me even more.

No sooner had my arms made it to his chest than he took hold of both my wrists and twisted me with my arms crossed, my back to his front, his hands caging me in while he held onto me as I tried to wiggle free.

“New method of interrogation?”

Someone spoke from the open door. We had been so distracted fighting that we had never noticed someone opening it.

Both Clark and I immediately looked up at the man standing on the threshold. Dex leaned against the wood pane, crossed his arms, and gave us a lopsided smile.

Another time, I would have taken the time to appreciate his masculine beauty, but right now, I was begging the laws of nature to cause a sinkhole and let me disappear.

“I’d like to get a restraining order,” I blurted.

Behind me, I felt Clark begin to shake, and Dex raised a brow, but he wasn’t laughing.

“I can do that,” he said. “I need a name.”

Before I could say Clark's name, he beat me to the punchline.

“What’s the offense for hitting a cop?” Clark innocently asked Dex.

My hands fisted into tight little balls. Instantly, I shimmied my way out of Clark's embrace. His fingers dug a little into me, as if he didn’t want me to let go. I dared to look up at him, but his eyes had that same warm look from when he saved me, and my stomach sank.

I was like a little sister to him. He had made that perfectly clear.
