Page 35 of All Roads Lead Home

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“And you promised to give me a heads-up when you would make your move so I could break the story first, so I say that’s a win-win, don’t you think?”

“Seems to me you get more out of it than me,” he teased.

“You wanted me off the mayor’s trail and offered me the deal.”

Clark licked his lips, and I couldn’t help but stare at the action. He had kissed me at his parents’ house and at the gala, but hadn’t done so when I got here.

“I wanted you safe, Oriana.”

It was the way he said things that made me speak so freely as well.

“I’m beginning to think you would have kept me safe regardless of if I would have accepted your deal.”

This time, he gave me a sinful smirk. “I would have found more creative ways to get you to agree with me.”

Damn, I wished I would have held out a little longer.

His chuckle got me out of my thoughts, and when our gazes collided, I knew he knew what I was thinking about.

To say I was impressed was putting it lightly. Maybe it was the fact that he was older, although that went over my head because to me, he’d always just been Clark. So the eight year between us didn’t matter. But I got the feeling not all men were like him.

He put a plate with grilled salmon, white rice, asparagus, and zucchini in front of me. We talked about nothing and everything at the same time. I think he was waiting for the perfect moment to bring up my situation with Lucas.

“If you need any help obtaining guardianship over Lucas, I’d be happy to lend a hand.” He reached for my hand and gave it a squeeze.

My throat clogged, and before I could speak, he went on.

“Prescott’s brother has a practice, and he’d be happy to aid with anything legal you might need.”

I was going to cry. I could feel my tears coming.

Much like he did that day in the precinct, he got off his chair and crouched by me. Clark cupped my cheeks, and I think him slipping off my glasses was becoming my new favorite thing.

“Why are you crying, Ori?”

“Ever since my dad left, I’ve never depended on anyone. Not that I could. My family was barely holding it together. Then somehow, I became the one everyone looked to for answers.”

“I’m sorry about your dad,” he said.

“You’ve said this before.” I offered him a small smile.

“I don’t remember.” At least he was honest.

“It was the day you saved my life.” I grimaced bringing the past up.

“His loss at never knowing the kind, amazing, and strong woman you’ve become.”

“You’re just as amazing as I remember, you know that?”

He didn’t get a word out because I threw my arms around him and kissed him. I kissed him like I had never kissed anyone before. My hands roamed over his chest while his settled on my waist.

“Fuck,” he panted when I pulled back. “You’re going to be the death of me,” he groaned. “I can’t wait. Come on.”

He put on my glasses before he stood and held out his hand for me, then led me to the living room.

I was feeling bold. And hell, I had already done this before, and I had a strong inkling he wouldn’t reject me like before.

I let go of his hand and immediately removed my shirt and dropped it on the floor. Clark turned around just as I was shimmying out of my skirt. His mouth went agape.
