Page 116 of Break the Ice

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“Shh.” I pressed a finger against her lips, heat licking my insides.

I was drunk, but I wasn’t fucking blind.

“I’m sorry. I really fucked up tonight.”

“Go to bed, Noah.” She moved around me, but my arm shot out, pulling her down on the bed with me.


We landed in a tangle of limbs, and she started to scramble away from me.

“Stay, please. What if I get sick again and choke on my own vomit?”

“That is disgusting.”

“Or what if I fall into a liquor-induced coma, huh? You should probably keep an eye on me.”

Her eyes narrowed with indignation. But maybe, maybe, there was a flicker of amusement there too. “You, Noah Holden, are incorrigible.”

“Say what now, shortcake?”

“It means…” I grinned, and she rolled her eyes. “Oh, hush. Stay on your own side, and no touching.” My mouth twitched, and she added, “I mean it.”

“Pinky promise?” I held up my pinky, and she gawked at me.

“Go. To. Sleep.”

I shucked my jeans off, and we both shifted around until we pulled up the comforter over us. Aurora rolled onto her side away from me, giving me her shoulder, and turned out the light.

“Hey, shortcake?” I whispered.

“Noah!” she hissed.

Reaching for her, I brushed the curve of her shoulder. “Do you hate me?”

“I don’t particularly like you right now.” She shoved my hand away.


My stomach dropped, and not in an I’m-about-to-puke-because-of-all-the-vodka way.

“Aurora, shortcake, I’m sorry.” I shuffled closer, sliding my arm over her waist. She didn’t fight me this time, but she did go deathly still. “Is this okay?”

Testing the waters, I pressed closer until her ass was nestled against my crotch.

“Noah…” She breathed, but some of the ice in her voice had thawed.

“This is nice,” I whispered into the crook of her neck, breathing her in. Trying really fucking hard not to let myself get carried away. Because she smelled incredible, and she felt even better.

“I never do this,” I murmured.



“I find that hard to believe,” she scoffed.

“It’s true. No sleepovers. It’s my number one rule.”
