Page 120 of Break the Ice

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I knew girls like Sam. The kind of girl who had claws and wasn’t afraid to use them.

“If you say so.” I went to move around her, but she stepped in my way.

“We should hang out sometime. Get to know each other.”

My brows knitted because surely she wasn’t being serious.

“Come on,” she surprised the crap out of me by lacing her arm through mine and dragging me along with her. “It’ll be fun. Noah said you don’t have many girlfriends.”

“He said that?” My stomach twisted.

“Yeah, last night when he came over to study.”


“I’m in his accounting class. I’m going to help him ace the semester.”


“Yep. It’s all part of my service. If you catch my drift.”

“Sam, I’m not sure why you’re telling me all this. Noah and I are—”


“Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

“Which makes us friends.”

Over my dead body.

“Sorry, but I need to get to my next class,” I said, untangling myself from her grip.

“Oh, of course. Well, we’ll have to plan something soon. Maybe coffee or drinks at The Penalty Box. Or we could catch a film at The Regal. It’s this cutest little place Noah—”

My heart dropped as I blurted, “I really am late.”

“Okay then, bye, Aurelie.” I flinched at her blatant dig. “See you around.”

She gave me a finger wave and took off down the path, leaving me gawking after her.

Sam knew. She knew about the movie theater because Noah had taken her there.

God, I felt sick.

But despite the weird vibes I got from Sam—the obvious warning in her passive-aggressive words—I couldn’t help but see why Noah would want somebody like her.

Long wavy blonde hair. Slim, curvy body. Understated but super cute outfit. Sam looked effortlessly gorgeous. The kind of girl who people expected Noah to date. The kind of girl who looked good beside him. The kind of girl who would attract all the right attention.

The kind of girl his friends would high-five him for being with, not laugh behind his back at.

I backtracked, taking a different route to my next class to avoid bumping into her again. But I walked right into another familiar face.

“Aurora?” Ella smiled.


“What’s wrong?”
