Page 121 of Break the Ice

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“Nothing. I’m just heading to class.”

“English Department?”


“Great, I’m heading there too.” She fell into step beside me. “So how’re things?”

“Fine, thanks,” I lied. “What about you? Did you get a chance to talk to Connor?”

“Not really. But he came back to my place last night and… well, let’s just say he reassured me that things are good.”

A stab of jealousy went through me, but I managed to choke out, “That’s great.”

“What about you? Connor told me about that asshole, Ryan. I’m sorry. I was in a study group with him sophomore year, and I can’t remember him being such a dick back then.”

“It is what it is.” I shrugged.

“You know, feel free to tell me to mind my own business, but I could have sworn I walked into something between you and Noah the other day at the library.”

“He was just helping me.”

“Right.” She gave me a small, unconvinced smile. “You know, if he wasn’t… just be careful, Aurora. Noah is—”

“Out of my league,” I finished for her. “Don’t worry. I’m well aware of that.”

“Whoa, babe.” She grabbed my hand and moved in front of me. “That’s not what I meant at all. But Noah gets around—a lot. And in the whole time I’ve known him, he’s never been with the same girl twice. Except for Sam, but that’s different.”

Just what I didn’t want to hear.

“You don’t have to worry about me, Ella.” I forced a smile. “Noah is a friend, nothing more.”

Her expression turned sympathetic. And I hated it.

I hated that she felt sorry for me.

Because, of course, Noah wouldn’t change for a girl like me.

“All I’m saying is be careful. I know how charming these hockey players can be. Did Connor tell you our story?”

“Austin mentioned something, but he didn’t go into detail.”

“Freshman year, I slept with Connor. He’d been chasing me for a while, and I finally agreed to go on a date with him, and well, one thing led to another, and we slept together. But what I thought was the start of something was just one night to him.”


“Not the worst of it.” She grimaced. “I was a virgin. I gave Connor my virginity, and he ghosted me.”

“Wow. I don’t even know what to say to that.”

“Right? I was so embarrassed and hurt. I swore off hockey players and managed to avoid Connor for two whole years.”

“Well, he must have made it up to you?”

“Not really,” she chuckled. “I’d had a string of bad dates, was feeling down on myself, and my friend Mila—the girl you met at the party—she talked me into going to a party at Lakers House. Connor cornered me, and the rest, as they say, is history.”

“My ex-boyfriend was sleeping with my best friend behind my back for months before I walked in on them,” I blurted out.

“Oh my God, babe, that’s horrible.”
