Page 129 of Break the Ice

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I wasn’t even sure I was ready for that. All I knew was I wanted to make Aurora smile. To show her every day how beautiful and funny she was. I wanted to make sure she never doubted herself again.

Fuck it.

My fingers flew over the screen, a smirk tugging at my mouth as I typed.

Noah: Sleeping yet, shortcake?

Aurora: You’re supposed to be giving me space…

Noah: I am. You’re in your bedroom. And I’m in mine. That’s a whole lot of space if you ask me.

Too much space for my liking. But this wasn’t about me and my needs—it was about her.

Aurora: You have a strange perception of things, Noah.

Noah: Just so we’re clear. Is thirty-five minutes an acceptable amount of time for giving of said space?

Aurora: You told me to sleep on it, that would require actual sleeping, Noah.

Noah: I’m an idiot. You should never listen to anything that comes out of my mouth.

Aurora: That’s a shame because you said some pretty sweet things to me earlier.

Shit. She’d got me there.

The urge to get up and go to her was so strong that I had to plaster myself to the bed. It wouldn’t help my cause. Not tonight.

No good decisions were ever made when tensions were running high.

I knew that better than anyone.

Noah: Get some sleep, babe. You’re going to need it for Operation Darcy.

I don’t know where the fuck that came from, but I decided to roll with it.

Aurora: I already told you, I’m more of a Bertram fan.

Noah: Humor me, shortcake.

Because I didn’t know the first thing about Austen and her top-tier fictional male characters.

Aurora: Fine. What exactly does Operation Darcy entail?

Noah: You’ll see. Sweet dreams babe. I’ll see you tomorrow.

She didn’t reply right away, and for a second, I thought I’d lost her again. But when my phone chimed, and her response lit up my screen, my heart did a funny little flip in my chest.

Aurora: Good night, Noah. Dream of me.

“Morning, sunshine,” Connor said when I entered the kitchen. “How are you feeling?”


“Last night, after all the takeout? You said—”

“Oh, yeah. My stomach,” I said, catching on. “I feel better, thanks.”

“You must have delicate insides, Holden. Because I ate my body weight in food, and I’ve been fine.”
