Page 130 of Break the Ice

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“Must be,” I mused. “Austin and Aurora still sleeping?”

“Austin didn’t make it home, and Aurora already left.”

“She did?” My brows furrowed. “But it’s still early.”

“Said something about an early study group.”

“I bet she did,” I murmured under my breath.

“What was that?” Connor asked.

“Nothing. Coffee?”

“No, I’m good. You know, Ella told me some interesting gossip the other day.”

I stilled, ice flooding my veins. “Did she?”

“Yep. Said you and little Hart were looking all kinds of cozy in the stacks at the library.”

“It was nothing.”

He sat back in his chair, a smug expression on his face. “Or it was something, and you’re just in denial.”

“Morgan…” I let out a heavy sigh.

“Look, Holden. I love you like a brother; you know that. But Rory is… she isn’t like you. Anyone can see the girl has issues.”

My fist clenched against my thigh as I tried to tamp down the anger rising inside me.

“That right there”—he motioned to my fist—“that is going to land you in all kinds of trouble. She’s a good girl, Holden. She talks a good talk and hides her pain well, but she isn’t fooling anyone. Whatever happened with the ex, with their parents… it wasn’t good.”


“Just tread carefully.”

“You’re not warning me off?” I asked, my brow arching with surprise.

“You’re a big boy. You can make your own decisions.” He stood and approached me, laying a hand on my shoulder. “I just hope that, for everyone’s sake, you make the right one.”

He gave me a short, sharp squeeze before taking off.

Fuck, he was right.

Aurora had secrets.

The kind that haunted you.

I knew because I had them too.

In so many ways, we were the same. Maybe that’s why I was so fucking drawn to her.

Pulling my cell phone out of my pocket, I pulled up our chat.

Noah: Running away from me, shortcake?

Her reply was instant.

Aurora: Never. I had an early study group.
