Page 21 of Break the Ice

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“Hey, bitch,” Ella pouted. “I want to talk about it.”

“Ignore El.” Dayna grinned. “Her life is far too perfect to off-load all my trauma onto.”

“You know, Aurora, we’re not always this bad. It’s the wine, I promise.”

“It’s okay. I’m just relieved to be out of the house.”

“Oh no, trouble in paradise already? You and Austin get along, don’t you?” Dayna asked, and Ella suppressed a smile.

“I don’t think it’s Austin she’s worried about.”

“Well, it’s not Connor, which means… Oh no, what did Noah do?”

“Can we please not talk about Noah,” I said, hoping my face didn’t betray me.

There had been a moment between us earlier in the kitchen. A split second where I imagined what it might be like to catch someone like Noah Holden’s attention.

But I’d quickly shoved it down. He was only being nice to me because he felt guilty. Because I was Austin’s sister.

That’s all it was.

I had more sense than to mistake his charm for anything else.

“He’s not the kind of guy you want to get tangled up with,” Dayna said. “I’ve heard some of the stories. Aiden got drunk once and confessed his magic number. And then proceeded to tell me all the locker room secrets.”

“If he told you Connor’s number, I don’t want to know.” Ella shook her head. “I mean it. That is one piece of information I can live without ever knowing.”

“You really think it would be that bad?” I asked, and she nodded.

“These hockey players are worse than dogs, Aurora. They all have a strict rule about wrapping up, and they get tested every few months, thank God. But whatever number you’re thinking, multiply it by five, and you’re probably closer to the mark.”

“But it’s just sex.”

Sex with Ben hadn’t been anything life-changing. It had been nice, sure. But it was clumsy and awkward, and I was always too worried about being naked with him to really enjoy it.

It turned out I had every right to be.

“Just sex?” Dayna blinked at me as if I’d grown a second head. “If you say it like that, it means you haven’t been doing it right. Oh crap, you’re not a virgin, are you? Because if you are, I’m so sorry. Me and my big mouth—”

“No, I’m not a virgin. But I have only been with one guy. My ex.”

There, I’d said it.

“Okay, now we’re getting to the good stuff.” They both leaned forward, wearing expectant expressions.

“We are?” I gawped at them.

“Yep.” They shared a conspiratorial look. “We need to get you back on the horse.”

“Back on the… Oh no. No.” Absolutely not.

They both chuckled. “Aurora, you’re eighteen, and you basically just admitted to never having experienced good sex,” Ella said. “You’re in college now. There are plenty of guys who would love to help you out with that.”

“I want to focus on my studies.”

“Says no freshman ever.” Ella rolled her eyes.

“El’s right; it’s freshman orientation week. The perfect opportunity to find a gorgeous guy to give you the ride of your life.” Dayna snickered into her now empty wineglass. “Oops, it’s almost gone. Fill her up, babe.”
