Page 29 of Break the Ice

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Unlike Noah, who—

Who I absolutely refused to think about.

“At the top of the scale, we have your Playboy Bunny. She’s down to get dirty and doesn’t require any maintenance.”

“That is… disgusting,” I murmured, not unsurprised. They were guys. Athletes.

Hockey players.

“But so much fun.” Austin waggled his brows.

“You’re a pig.”

“Welcome to college, Sis.” He winked.

“Next up is the Easter Bunny.”

“Oh God, I have got to hear this…” I perched against the counter.

“I think you’ll like this one, Rory.” Connor smirked. “A total tease, too much work for little reward, and only comes once a year.”

I choked on the breath I inhaled. “That is… wow.”

“Good one, right?”

“Next is my personal favorite,” Austin added with a shameless grin. “The Energizer Bunny. She can go alllll night long. Although Jessica Rabbit is also a firm favorite.”

“Let me guess.” I fought the urge to roll my eyes. “Seductive, sultry, and stacked.”

“Bingo!” Connor clapped. “Then we have Bugs Bunny. Always chomping on”—he coughed into his hand, looking more than a little uncomfortable—“dick.”

“Lovely.” My lips pursed with disapproval.

“And at the bottom of the pile, we have the bunny boiler. The bunny that, at all costs, you want to avoid. Because if you cross a bunny boiler, you can bet your ass that you’re headed for a whole heap of trouble.”

“Don’t forget the chubby bunny,” Austin snorted.

I went still, a trickle of unease going through me. “I’m sorry, what?”

“The chubby bunny. You know, the girl who—”

“Yes”—my lips pressed into a thin line—“I think I get it. Well, this has been enlightening and all, but now I’m going to go and clean my ears out and pretend I didn’t just learn that my brother and his friends are a bunch of misogynistic a-holes.”

“Oh, come on, Rory. Like girls don’t do exactly the same to guys. We judge. It’s human nature.” Austin shrugged. “It doesn’t mean anything, not really. It’s just silly locker room talk.”

It didn’t mean anything to them, no. But what about the girl who got called the bunny boiler because, God forbid, she actually went and fell for a guy and then got upset when she realized he didn’t feel the same. Or the chubby bunny when she realized the guy wasn’t really interested in her but was using her as the brunt of a college guy prank.

God, men could be so denigrating and judgmental.

Austin had a point though; women weren’t an innocent party either. But most girls didn’t sit around making up labels and sliding scales to rate guys. Yes, we were all guilty of judging members of the opposite sex, each other, but men had such a gross way of going about it sometimes.

“I guess that makes it okay, then,” I murmured, walking out of there without so much as a backward glance. Austin called after me, but I needed to be alone.

It had been a weird day between getting lost on campus, running into Noah and his little fan club, and listening to Connor and Austin’s breakdown of the bunnies of Lakeshore U.

At least they would all be out at the party tonight, and I could have the house to myself.

I played my music loudly enough to ignore Austin’s attempts at apologizing. He didn’t get it; I knew that. Because he never had. Not in all the years he’d lived with Mom and me.
