Page 45 of Break the Ice

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“What’s up, lovers?” Connor breezed into the room, and my head shot up. But he drew up short when he saw Aurora and me. “What did I miss?” His brow lifted with accusation.

“Nothing, man. I was just helping Rory reach for something.”

“Right.” He rubbed his jaw. “Rory, baby, why aren’t you dressed?”

I backed up, putting some distance between us, and Aurora turned to meet Connor’s gaze. Her eyes slid past him to me, and I mouthed, ‘Please,’ adding a little pout for effect.

We all wanted her to come. It was obvious she was trying to avoid integrating into our lives, but that shit wasn’t going to fly with Austin or Connor.

Or me, for that matter.

“Ugh, fine. Just for a little while. But do I have to wear the wig?” she asked, and Connor and I both answered with a resounding, “Yes.”

“You’d better not all abandon me for your horde of puck bunnies when we get there.”

“Don’t let Ella hear you call her that. She’ll never forgive you,” Connor chuckled. “Can’t say Holden will manage to fly solo, though.”

He winked at me, but the joke was lost on me.

I wasn’t that fucking bad.

I could go a night without hooking up with anyone. Besides, Aurora would need someone to look out for her, and I didn’t want to give her more ammunition for her ‘Noah Holden is a douchebag’ file.

“Who’s been eating my porridge?” Austin growled as he entered the kitchen.

“Oh wow, that is… wow.” Aurora snickered, fighting a grin.

She wasn’t wrong. The bear onesie wasn’t exactly a good look, but I’d left the hood part down, unlike Austin, who was rocking the full bear aesthetic.

“The puck bunnies won’t be able to resist,” she added.

“Nah, girls love a guy in costume.”

“Yeah, something hot like a pilot or a cop, maybe. But this”—she wagged a finger at him—“isn’t exactly sexy.”

“Watch and learn, Sis. Watch and learn.” Austin grinned, going to the refrigerator and grabbing a beer. He cracked it open and looked at Connor. “You better go get dressed. We need to leave in fifteen.”

“Fifteen minutes,” Aurora balked.

“Better hurry, shortcake,” I said. “We have a costume cup to win.”

“What’s taking her so long?” Austin said, pacing the kitchen like a restless bear, pun intended. “We were supposed to leave ten minutes ago.”

“She’s a chick. It’s a whole process.”

“Since when did you become the oracle on all things female?” Austin pinned Connor with a bemused look.

“You really want me to answer that question?”

“You know, I think I liked you more when you weren’t wifed up.” Austin walked to the door and bellowed, “C’mon, Rory, we need to go.”

“I’ll go check on her,” I offered. “I want to grab something from my room anyway.”

“Extra condoms?” Connor laughed, and I flipped him off.


“Nothing wrong with playing it safe, Holden.”
